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Joined: Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:35 pm


Post by viperjason »

I'm glad to see another CMS that supports SQLite.

However I do have one desire for an improvement.

My webpage is hosted at:

but I like storing my databases in a central location:
This is useful because I only backup one folder instead of many different ones for different websites.

Currently serendipity errors on this because
doesnt exist.

If you have the desire to fix this you could just alter line 54 and line 312 on sqlite.inc.php
I've already done so on my website and I have made the changes to the code.

Line 54 should now read:
$serendipity['dbConn'] = $function($serendipity['dbName'] . '.db');
Line 312 should now read:
$dbfile = $dbName . '.db';

Or, my other idea if you dont like that is to add another field in the installation for database path for SQLite users and that would default to the current serendipity path.

Just a thought
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