Complete doc of Smarty variables?

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Complete doc of Smarty variables?

Post by PHPaws »

I wonder if there's a complete documentation on the smarty variables available in S9Y?

If not, I'd like to know the contents of the $entry and $entrydata arrays. :)

Please don't kill me if I did oversee an existing documentation. ;)
The search function in the forums didn't really help.

PS. Why am I asking?: I want to embed a DIGG button into my posts. Since I'm modifying the "findmore" Plugin for that, $entry isn't available. $entrydata doesn't seem the hold the body of the post so I cannot use the "digg_bodytext" variable/function to pass a snip of the bodytext directly to DIGG. One option would be to modify the entries.tpl of the Style I use, so I could use $entry insead. But by editing the Plugin I add the functionality to all the themes I'll use in the future. :)

(Do I make any sense at all?) :P

Thanks in advance,
Paws ^_^
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Re: Complete doc of Smarty variables?

Post by garvinhicking »

PHPaws wrote:I wonder if there's a complete documentation on the smarty variables available in S9Y?
Of course there is. Check the technical documentation on :-D
If not, I'd like to know the contents of the $entry and $entrydata arrays. :)
What always works is

Code: Select all

within the smarty file, or by using the smarty debug console (check out the smarty documentation).
The search function in the forums didn't really help.
There's always the wiki on for this kind of documentation :)

Best regards,
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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