Any plans to support OpenID?

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Post by zoran »

almost a year further, and the buzz is still on:

there is a plugin for wordpress (no, I am not volunteering) ... id-plugin/

and apparently technorati also support blog claiming by openid:

openid directory:

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Post by mattsches »

A couple of days ago, I stumbled over this blog posting on How to turn your blog into an OpenID. Could this be helpful?
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Post by judebert »

Yes and no. I've been thinking of a plugin that would do this, but it would require configuration data -- the actual OpenID server -- for each user who could claim your blog. Since we allow multiple authors, I've been thinking of one set of data for the main blog (goes in the overview HEAD) and one set of data for each author's overview page.

That would allow us to use our blogs as our OpenIDs, provided we already had an OpenID elsewhere that we could refer to. I also considered making Serendipity an OpenID server, so just by signing up on a Serendipity blog, you get an OpenID, too.

But that's not what everybody wants, if I'm reading the interest correctly. What's desired is the ability to use an OpenID to leave comments and posts, which you can edit later with the same OpenID.

The problem is that our permission schema is too good. We'd need to either assign all OpenIDs to a group with permissions, or assign each OpenID to a group individually. As soon as you do that, they may as well be creating a new account on your blog.

Then again, there's been some work on external authentication with LDAP, so maybe we can figure something out.
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Post by hokiepontas »

I see this as a two (*independent*) part problem.

#1) A way to use OpenID as a way for people to authenticate comments without needing an account. Since I don't want anyone to have the ability to create content (aside from the comments), it's silly for me to make an account for each of my readers - especially since pretty much everyone that comments on my blog has an OpenID already. It'd be much more convenient to just let them use their livejournal or wordpress or whatever OpenID.

#2) A way to provide OpenID for current users, to be used elsewhere.

ETA: Personally, I would LOVE to have #1. I have an OpenID already, don't need a new one.
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Post by garvinhicking »

Hi hokieponts!

Exactly. A hook for that to allow it has recently been created in Serendipity, and Rob Richards is working on a plugin (see

I believe he's also looking into the server part solution of it, but of course the focus is problem #1 for starters.

Best regards,
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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