Just curious, how many folks have trouble because of hosting

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Post by risc_* »

WebTrooper wrote: Just curious, what is it that makes you require Apache2 and PHP5? I ask because there are some very good scripts were written before Apache2 and thus won't run properly under it. As it's a complete rewrite from 1.3, I expect it will take some time for all these scripts to make the necessary changes. None of them that I know of however, require Apache2 or PHP5. You know the saying, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.
Yes Apache 1.3.x is a well proven and stable branch... well suited for every day production. If I was a fortune 500 company, I most defentily would stick with Apache 1.3 for now. However once you start filtering you way down the food chain and reach your basic end user who desires some web presence Apache 2.x is probally the best way to go for a few reasons.

The main reason being the lowly basic end user is weaping the benfits of the OSC, and one of the best ways to give back to to test Apache2 in a low stress enviroment to help find various issues.

I use the similar logic as to why I want PHP5... and yes the old saying goes if it ain't broke, don't fix it... but you also know the other saying, "what came first the chicken or the egg"! People tend to say we have no plans to "support" or app on PHP5 until its widely deployed, at the same time people are saying don't use PHP5 until all the php apps are "ported".

Anyway if your starting from the ground now, PHP5 and Apache2 is the way to go. You have no legacy support you have to provide, and it creates another body of people to apply preasure on those holding back from moving forward... both Apache2 & PHP5 are released products people need to stop treating them as if they are still in the alpha stage.

Post by Guest »

Let's just agree to disagree. :wink:

The end users I'm catering to simply want to upload their blogs, portals, photo galleries, shopping carts, etc. and have them working with minimal fuss. Stability is key.

Oh, and the amoeba came first.
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Post by WebTrooper »

Oops! yes, that was me. :roll:
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Post by dand »

I have a cheap hosting without ssh access. Is there a way to install Serendipity without ssh (and hence no way to untar/ungzip)... attempts to transfer an expanded serendipity directory has kept timing out. Any tips will be greatly appreciated :)

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Post by WebTrooper »

Without ssh (which I will be offering :wink: ) your only option is ftp . The timing out may be on either end of the line. What software are you using and what's your connection?
We're all on the same boat. Let's not sink it."

Post by Guest »

I'm pretty sure the timeout must be over on the server -- it must be set to something very short. It's from lvcs.net, through FreePgs.com. I'm using ncftp, but also got the same problem with Cyberduck (on Mac OS X), on a DSL connection. I'm thinking I'll have to transfer the serendipity files manually in many steps... kind of a pain.

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Post by WebTrooper »

I took a peek at lvcs.net . Can you get your money back?

That $4.95 a month will get you 500 Megabytes on my server, and you'll never have connection problems from my end. I expect to have it up and running before I open my Christmas presents in the morning. I'll post the link here in this forum when it's ready.
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Post by dand »

I actually got the hosting as a Christmas present, through freepgs plus a one-time fee upgrade (which somehow ends up with a hosting at lvcs). So I have 150MB storage, unlimited bandwidth, PHP, MySQL, FTP etc. indefinitely for "free", so I'm quite happy with it. The only problem was the lack of ssh. In the end I managed to get around it by installing efileman a Perl-based file manager, and using its unzip feature to install Serendipity. It took a while but it was smooth sailing once I got that worked out. Thanks for you help! Though I won't be needing hosting, I'll be sure to check out your server and recommend it to friends.

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Post by davecjr »

I signed up with totalchoicehosting.com with the intentions of moving my domain there but may be looking around more before I do. I believe Little Hamster is who mentioned using them. Just wondering if it's just me or what but I can't even upload s9y without it taking all night! It usually times out over and over which never happens at my other host.

Does anyone know of a host with a package comparable to totalchoicehosting.com packages but have also been using the host for a while and are happy with them?!
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Post by Rocksolid »

I am personally using:

Websitesource.com Website Hosting

They are currently having a holiday sale too so it's a good time to move. They are pretty much ranked #1 everywhere on the net and i've had nothing but good experiences with them.

My friend that runs bloggerforum.com has been trying out cheap hosts and he runs a test site on http://mher.org/
I'm kinda skeptical on small hosts like this one but supposedly they are doing well so who knows....can't beat their pricing that's for sure!

Viva La Blog

Post by Guest »

I am Stephanie Heck and I manage/ admin/ own a Linux dedicated hosting service. I would like to share a few comments and observations about Serendipity.

I serve about 60 commercial domains and about 50 more mom and pop acounts on a Fedora Redhat Box. For the record I use Ensim Control Panels, and I am saying this because I want the development team to know what kind of server enviroment I have. I support PHP and MySQL. I use a slightly modified version of the default Serendipity template at:


I recently installed Serendipity on one of my commercial domains as a demonstration of Good Quality Blogging Software to my customers. I was offering the B2 application before as part of the Ensim Power tools. I have one client using B2 Evolution. One more using movable type.

I really like the serendipity blogging software and I think that it is going places. I am impressed. I have a background in Linux administration and I have some moderate skills at PHP and XML

The WYSIWYG editor is a big hit with those who use word processors in the course of business. I had some of my customers look at it and give feedback. One of my contract webmasters is using a copy of Serendipity that I installed for him. He loves it. His comment was " This is head and shoulders over the previous blog B2".

There is a difference between the way that men and women use computers, and this is to the advantage of Serendipity because the interface of Serendipity is much cleaner in the administration panel and less confusing that most applications in its GUI structure. Women end users like it because the interface is not "geeky" and is understandable according to 4 of the female business owners who looked at Serendipities rear end admin area.

The Administrative Backend has a nice GUI. Serendipity would be outstanding as an intranet blog as well as in its internet capacity in that the WYSIWYG editor is ideal for clerical personnel. If the Syndication plugin was not used it would be wonderful on coprorate intranets for internal communication from management to the company rank and file..

Understand that most Linux shared hosting production servers run in safe mode and this creates the need for a few workarounds.

Be advised The install is fairly easy once you set up a blank database for the customer (MySQL) and reset a few file permissions and workaround a few safemode errors that are due in part to the install process delegating file ownership to root and apache rather than the domain owners UID.

The next time I install the Serendipity application I wil keep a detailed log of errors and solutions instead of doing quick hacks on the fly. I will forwar that log to the developers if they desire it.
Most of these erors can be overcome with a few quick CHOWN and CHMOD commands from the root.

I still cant make the Export as PDF pluging run correctly but that is not so critical.

I am still learning about the fine points of Serendipity and when I am better familiar with it, I will be offering Serendipity hosting. Not yet, but give me a week or two. I will be offering Serendipity as an upgrade for my existing customers using B2. The purpose of this posting is not to advertize but to inform as to what I am doing with the Serendiity Software.

One of my customers have asked me if it is possible to inverse the sorting order of postings presenting the Oldest posting first, rather than the newest posting on the top of the blog page. This gentleman is a fairly well known author who wants to use a blog to post serial stories. I told him that I would pose the question to the developers as to Ascending or Descending posting order. There are some blog softwares that have this feature, however the WYSIWYG editor in Serendipity is far superior to those outdated blog products.

If I can offer any assictance to the development team in my capacity of a hosting provider as far as feedback and customer comments I will be happy to do so.

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Post by Stephanie »

I logged in to PHPBB under my user name but when I posted above it listed me as a guest??
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Post by garvinhicking »

Hi Stephanie!

First of all, thank you very much for your verbose description of how you get along with Serendipity. As a programmer I really liked that I read you are using it without serous problems. That's the way we wanted it to be, and it's delighting to hear such praise. Thanks!
I still cant make the Export as PDF pluging run correctly but that is not so critical.
Which exact errors are you facing? I wrote the plugin as a basic proof of concept and it deifnitely may show some errors...
One of my customers have asked me if it is possible to inverse the sorting order of postings presenting the Oldest posting first, rather than the newest posting on the top of the blog page. This gentleman is a fairly well known author who wants to use a blog to post serial stories. I told him that I would pose the question to the developers as to Ascending or Descending posting order. There are some blog softwares that have this feature, however the WYSIWYG editor in Serendipity is far superior to those outdated blog products.
Ordering the post in a different sorting orders is no real problem. If you are using 0.7 version of Serendipity, you just need to patch templates/yourtemplatename/layout.php (or templates/default/layout.php) by modifying this:

Code: Select all

    // Welcome screen or whatever
        serendipity_printEntries(serendipity_fetchEntries(null, true, 15));
into this:

Code: Select all

    // Welcome screen or whatever
        serendipity_printEntries(serendipity_fetchEntries(null, true, 15, false, false, 'timestamp ASC'));
So you see we pass the ordering statement as another parameter.

In 0.8 you can use the same layout.php mechanism. It would also be possible to do exactly the same thing with a plugin...

Thanks a lot for your feedback, and if you have other requests like this or need help, just post here on the forums. However I'd suggest you to open up a new thread for new problems, because this one is already getting quite huge. :)

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by WebTrooper »

Hi folks,

Just thought I'd stop in and say hi.


Did I mention before something about having my hosting up and running before I opened my Christmas presents? Well, as you may have guessed, I've run into many a stumbling blocks. Mostly having to do with the accounts management scripts. I never realized how much would be involved - have installed and thoroughly tested 3 applications which fell far short of my needs, and I'm on the fourth one now.

Just want to let everyone know I'm dilligently working away at it and I will definately have a Serendipity package available, probably free or very cheap. Thing is, I don't want to put any live accounts on the server until I know I won't have to make any further changes. But I'm still at it.

Hey Stephanie, you seem to be interested in online wysiwyg editing. You might want to check out HTMLArea, if your not already aware of it. It's pretty cool.

Anyway, gotta get some sleep. I'll let you all know when the servers are ready.

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Post by WebTrooper »

Slotbox Hosting is finally up and running. I wasn't able to keep the prices as low as I wanted to, but there is also a limited supply of free hosting available if you don't mind running a Slotbox banner. Would be perfect for running Serendipity. Check it out at www.slotbox.com
We're all on the same boat. Let's not sink it."
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