wysiwyg editor (non htmlarea) and mod_rewrite fails

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wysiwyg editor (non htmlarea) and mod_rewrite fails

Post by enobis.com »

OK, so I just started testing Serendipity (very nice) and found a problem after adding the FCKeditor plugin. When mod_rewrite is set, the editor does not work. Problem has to do with the rewrite rules defined in the .htacces file.

Somewhat frustrating given I followed the instructions to the letter on three seperate machines, all of which had the same problem. The instructions will never work with mod_rewrite being used because the instructions recommend extracting the FCKeditor to the plugins/serendipity_event_fckeditor path. Given that ^plugin is one of the rewrite rules, this will not work.


1. Extract the FCKeditor tar ball to the top level serendipity directory along side htmlarea, plugins, et al. - NOTE: the tar ball will create the folder ./FCKeditor important for next step.

2. Set relative path to FCKeditor/ in the plugin configuration.

3. Modify the .htaccess file by adding the following line after the rewrite rule for htmlarea:

Code: Select all

RewriteRule ^FCKeditor/(.*) FCKeditor/$1 [L,QSA]
Problem is that if you change the setting for URL rewritting from mod_rewrite then this setting in the .htaccess file will be deleted and you will need to add it by hand again if you switch back to mod_rewrite.
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