publishing date as a period

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Post by garvinhicking »

Hi hkit!
in the new serendipity-version do I have the possibility to use these custom-fields (of course). If I include this variable in the .tpl-file it'll be possible to use it in the fetchentries-function? which means it is stored in the entries-table? Is that right?
The "customfields" variables are stored inside the serendipity_entryproperties table, and is referenced by entry ID. Thus you can use the content of your custom field variable within the entries.tpl file in any entry-related context. Also to use functions like {serendipity_fetchEntry}...

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by hkit »


thanks for your help. Unfortunately another problem ocurred... since I upgraded to 1.0-alpa1 new article which I write aren't published anymore. It's strange because, they are in the database, but they are neither shown on webpage nor can I edit them on the admin-panel.
I installed the former version then, but the problem hasn't disappeared.
I can't think of any changes I made which may have caused that. There's no error-warning or anything. It just seems as if this article doesn't exist at all. Can anybody think of any explanation? Thanks in advance.

tack hej
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Post by garvinhicking »

Did you check the "draft/publish" status of the entry (in your DB?) You might have also blocked it via the "Don't shown on frontpage" entryproperties settings?

Or you might've put it inside some category that is not world-readable on the frontend.

Or it might live in the future, and you don't show future entries? So check if the unix timestamp of the entry is in the future?

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by hkit »


thank you for your fast reply (you're ever so fast). Well, concerning this problem I was stupid... for some testing reason I changed the type of the timestamp-field in db. That's why.

bye & thanks
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