A suggestion, a request and then some.

Creating and modifying plugins.
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Would it be interesting if plugins were developed this way in a future release?

This sucks. Don't like it.
This sucks. Don't like it.
OMG! Yes! Needs it!
OMG! Yes! Needs it!
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A suggestion, a request and then some.

Post by Martin »

Just installed 9 with the extra plugins. I loved the extended archive plugin, and I'd like to make a suggestion for it: I always strive to keep my sidebar as sightly as possible, so how about making it possible to put a static link to the archive page from the bottom of the recent entries plug?

Actually I've just doctored my own recent-entries plug to contain just such a link, and I'm frequently messing around in other plugins as well to make adjustments. My suggestion may be completely ass backwards for all I know, but I'll make it anyway:

Would it at some point be possible to create plugins so that you could combine several into one header? That way it would be easy to achieve for example a html-link on the bottom of the recent entries plug, or a list of banners right below your linklist or even amazon recommendations and adsense ads under the same header.
The way I picture it in my mind is not so far from how it works today. You'd arrange your plugins like they are today arranged in the Admin area, but the Title-tag would only be inserted where you specify it, and with the title you specify.

Maybe it's just me that likes to not have to create a separate HTML-nugget for every little item I want in my sidebar... I dunno.

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Post by davecjr »

Sounds interesting to me but I'd like to see it to understand it better! :lol:

On a side note... I love your site by the way would love to have the theme but without your images as I'd hate to copy your actual site. I've looked at your site from time to time and it's always very interesting.
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Post by wesley »

Actually, I think you simply mean you want to have the full control of
what plug-ins get to have the headers show up. Obviously you don't need
to 'combine' the plug-ins to achieve this effect. Now, since the plug-in
writers don't necessarily program it this way (and being one of them, I
can understand why some of the headers are 'fixed' that way, really),
one way of getting around this would be to have some sort of a header
name override function.
I make s9y plugins, too.
My s9y blog depends on them. :)
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Location: Oslo

Post by Martin »

Davcjr: I'm thinking of doing a redesign for my site in not too long, and if so I'll gladly release the theme I've been using. Be warned that it plays merry hell with Internet Exploder though.

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Post by davecjr »

Thanks for the reply Martin. I'm always playing with templates to try to come up with something I really like and just haven't done it yet! I don't guess I know enough to create one like I want from scratch and just usually modify others. Just keep me in mind if you ever change.
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Post by Martin »

No sweat.
If you ever wonder about anything on how I've created the CSS feel free to ask. I'll be happy to help you if I can.

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