empty list of categories in edit

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empty list of categories in edit

Post by dmg »

Every time I try to edit a old posting, or create new one the list of categories is empty. I just debugged it and track it down to the following query, which returns Zero rows.

I checked the field authorid in ser_categories, and it is NULL.

SELECT c.*, a.username, a.realname FROM ser_category AS c LEFT OUTER JOIN ser_authors AS a ON c.authorid = a.authorid WHERE (c.authorid = 1 OR c.authorid = 0) ORDER BY category_name ASC

It seems to be a problem of upgrading from version 0.8 to 0.9. I just created new categories and in they have the authorid field set to a value, while the ones imported have it set to NULL.

I manually set the field to zero (all authors), and it is working now.
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