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feeds laufen nicht mehr

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 3:10 pm
by Timbalu
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="RSS" href="<?php echo $serendipity['baseURL'] . ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none' ? $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' : ''); ?>feeds/index.rss2" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/x.atom+xml" title="Atom" href="<?php echo $serendipity['baseURL'] . ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none' ? $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' : ''); ?>feeds/atom.xml" />

Die Feeds laufen nicht mehr. Oder ist das Absicht, dass kein rss/xml code mehr zu sehen ist :?:
sonst freue ich mich schon auf die 7ner! Danke!

Posted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:32 pm
by garvinhicking
(Please in english)

What do you mean with the PHP code you posted? RSS/XML feeds do work, that would be a major bug if it didn't.

Post details. :-)

Posted: Fri May 07, 2004 7:53 pm
by Timbalu
have you really got a feed directory? I don´t.
I just remember a different output eg of the 2.0 rss link.
Has something essential changed? Well, if I look in the page
source all seems well.....

Posted: Sat May 08, 2004 5:46 pm
by garvinhicking
Timbalu wrote:Hi
have you really got a feed directory? I don´t.
I just remember a different output eg of the 2.0 rss link.
Has something essential changed? Well, if I look in the page
source all seems well.....
The feed directory does not need to exist. The right output is generated by the 404 apache errorhandler and/or mod_rewrite. And if you disabled rewriting, the index.php will kick in place to output a feeds/index.rss file...

(Still don't know what exactly you mean :-)