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Re: Syntax Highlighting for static pages and html nuggets

Posted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 4:48 pm
by Timbalu
Yes, you can use the CKEditor Plugin. It has a build-in codesnippet plugin (enabled by option) for the toolbar, which highlights your code with highlight.js. You will need to drop your code parts to this button form though to get it back prepared for the highlighter in the entryform. Very easy, very nice!

Another variant would be to use the geshi plugin with the PLAIN text Editor entryforms. I am not sure this will cover staticpages and nuggets though, since I never have used it. And it is not really maintained.

Re: Syntax Highlighting for static pages and html nuggets

Posted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 2:02 pm
by alex80
I use the CKEditor Plugin. Works fine for me.