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Moved from MySQL to PostGres

Posted: Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:14 pm
by rootnl2k
Due to a huge amount of entires, MYSQL 5.1 was choking so I had to resort to migrating to Postgres 8.1 .
All the entries migrated but the administrator cannot post to the s9y blog.

What do I need to look for?

Further the serverlog has

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "serendipity_entries_pkey"


ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "serendipity_referrers_pkey"

Found solution for entries at ... &tb=1&pb=1

How to fix PostgreSQL error "duplicate key violates unique constraint"
Permalink 10:29:54 am, by jamie, 169 words, 4429 views English (CA)
Categories: Notes; Mins. worked: 0
How to fix PostgreSQL error "duplicate key violates unique constraint"
If you get this message when trying to insert data into a PostgreSQL database:

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint

That likely means that the primary key sequence in the table you're working with has somehow become out of sync, likely because of a mass import process (or something along those lines). Call it a "bug by design", but it seems that you have to manually reset the a primary key index after restoring from a dump file. At any rate, to see if your values are out of sync, run these two commands:

SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;

SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');

If the first value is higher than the second value, your sequence is out of sync. Back up your PG database (just in case), then run thisL

SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);

That will set the sequence to the next available value that's higher than any existing primary key in the sequence.

Re: Moved from MySQL to PostGres

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:33 pm
by garvinhicking

Migrating a MYSQL dump to PGSQL is not so easy. PGSQL handles primary key increments completely different.

You should install s9y from fresh on a pgsql setup, and then simply import the pure data (not the structure) via INSERT INTO... into that database. Then all the oid sequences of pgsql will be created.

(The link you posted after that might also be a fix, if the autoincrements are already there, yes)

Re: Moved from MySQL to PostGres

Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:15 pm
by rootnl2k
Correct you are Gavin.

So 4 steps.

1) from ... _CSV-files

When you have a large sql dump and a binary data inside, it will be uneasy to modify the data structure, so there is another way to export your data to PostgreSQL. Mysql have an option to export each tables from database as separate .sql file with table structure and .txt file with table's data in CSV-format:

mysqldump -u username -p -T/path/to/export databasename

Notice that /path/to/export should be writeable by user who runs mysqld, in most case it mysqld.

2) Create a new Serendipity instance specifying posthresql

3) From ... _CSV-files

After that you should modify your table structure according PostgreSQL format:

convert data types
create separate keys definitions
replace escape characters

When table structure will be ready, you should load it as it was shown above. You should prepare data files: replace carriage return characters to "\r" and remove invalid characters for your data encoding. Here is an example bash script how you can do this and load all the data in your database:


CHARSET="utf-8" #your current database charset

for file in `ls -1 $DATADIR/*.txt`; do
echo "preparing $TABLE"

#replace carriage return
sed 's/\r/\\r/g' $file > /tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp

#cleanup non-printable and wrong sequences for current charset
iconv -t $CHARSET -f $CHARSET -c < /tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp > /tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp.out

echo "loading $TABLE"
/usr/bin/psql $DBNAME -c "copy $TABLE from '/tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp.out'"

#clean up
rm /tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp /tmp/$TABLE.export.tmp.out

4) If the index does not work and you see duplicate key violates unique constraint

Look at ... &tb=1&pb=1

How to fix PostgreSQL error "duplicate key violates unique constraint"
If you get this message when trying to insert data into a PostgreSQL database:

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint

That likely means that the primary key sequence in the table you're working with has somehow become out of sync, likely because of a mass import process (or something along those lines). Call it a "bug by design", but it seems that you have to manually reset the a primary key index after restoring from a dump file. At any rate, to see if your values are out of sync, run these two commands:

SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table;

SELECT nextval('the_primary_key_sequence');

If the first value is higher than the second value, your sequence is out of sync. Back up your PG database (just in case), then run thisL

SELECT setval('the_primary_key_sequence', (SELECT MAX(the_primary_key) FROM the_table)+1);

That will set the sequence to the next available value that's higher than any existing primary key in the sequence.

Please a \dt might be needed to see what the_primary_key_sequence is.