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Re: Disqus Integration

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 9:16 am
by garvinhicking

No, disqus cannot handle trackbacks to my knowledge. I don't remember if I turned of the tb/pb handling; the disqus plugin was just a quick hack so I went the easier way maybe ;)


Re: Disqus Integration

Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2012 11:00 pm
So I invented it a little..

Disqus can manage "reactions" beside of comments. Reactions are tweetbacks: I found one in my testblog. It is not able to manage trackbacks or pingbacks AFAIK. So I try to hide comments and commentform only, if the template supports this. Most old do, 2k11 did not but will.

Now I have "2 comments and 1 reaction, 1 trackback" in the footer area of my post. :mrgreen:
The trackbacks are still managed by s9y.

BTW: It is *very* important to give the blog shortname, not the DISQUS username as plugin option. Else you won't see the reactions and you can not divide the comments of different blogs. I made that more clear in the English language file.