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Automatted Installations/Packages with Softaculous

Posted: Tue Aug 11, 2009 9:44 am
by garvinhicking (Softaculous) is a provider for automatted web-application installations on cPanel/DirectAdmin environments. They have an automatted API for software vendors like Serendipity to be able to setup and install their applications.

Thanks to the hard work of the Softaculous-Team, they have created a package for Serendipity on their own efforts - many thanks for that!

So you can easily install Serendipity on a Softaculous-Platform and be able to upgrade to later installations easily. Check out their (Demo site) to see an auto-installed Serendipity at work. You can also use this as a free demo of Serendipity, including the backend. Also Softaculous itself has a admin-demo, if you want to have a look on how to automate your installations of web-applications.

On the (Serendipity@Softaculous)-Site, you can also rate Serendipity or contribute reviews. Currently there are none available, so please feel free to both vote and spread the word on Serendipity there!