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Moving S9Y to different location on server

Posted: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:20 pm
by zafiro17
Greetings: Putting this out there so people searching for a solution find it. I didn't find the page at until afterwards, and even then, it's complicated.

How to move your Serendipity installation to a different location on your server?

In my case, I had S9Y installed at /lounge and I wanted to move it to /forum/lounge (ie, into a subfolder). I logged onto the server, made the folder, and moved the files into their new location, and S9Y immediately stopped working, giving all sorts of 505 errors and complaining about smarty/404.tpl files not being found. I knew I hadn't changed anything but the installation location so I couldn't have broken too much.

It turned out to be an easy solution, but you need to update the parts of your mysql database that hardcode the S9Y installation's root location. Log into mysql using your database's username and password (you can get both from the file serendipity_config_local.php. So:

Code: Select all

mysql -u USER -p
and then enter the password.
mysql> use DATABASENAME (whatever your S9Y DB is called: get that from the same config file as the user name and password)
Now you have to update the table serendipity_config. You can do a

Code: Select all

describe serendipity_config
to see the different fields and their values, or just cut to the chase, as you're looking for a field called serendipityPath (note the capital P).

Code: Select all

update serendipity_config set value='/forum/lounge/' where name='serendipityPath';
That single change shows S9Y where to find everything. You don't need to restart Mysql or Apache to continue - S9Y will discover the new information the very next time anyone visits the webpage.

In my case, that was all it took. Hope this information is useful to anyone who finds themself in my situation.