Query Failed After Install

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Query Failed After Install

Post by Erehwon »

Installing clean brand new version - no errors on install - out of the gate I'm getting: Any ideas?

Query failed:


a.realname AS author,
a.username AS loginname,
, e.body, e.extended

serendipity_entries AS e
LEFT JOIN serendipity_authors a
ON e.authorid = a.authorid
LEFT JOIN serendipity_entrycat ec
ON e.id = ec.entryid
LEFT JOIN serendipity_category c
ON ec.categoryid = c.categoryid
LEFT JOIN serendipity_authorgroups AS acl_a
ON acl_a.authorid = 0
LEFT JOIN serendipity_access AS acl_acc
ON ( acl_acc.artifact_mode = 'read'
AND acl_acc.artifact_type = 'category'
AND acl_acc.artifact_id = c.categoryid
WHERE isdraft = 'false' AND e.timestamp <= 1312198200 AND (
c.categoryid IS NULL
OR ( acl_acc.groupid = 0)
OR ( acl_acc.artifact_id IS NULL


ORDER BY timestamp DESC
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_entries' doesn't exist
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Joined: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:46 am
Location: Eutin, Germany

Re: Query Failed After Install

Post by yellowled »

Erehwon wrote:Any ideas?
Your S9y, PHP and MySQL (or other DB) versions might be useful.

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Re: Query Failed After Install

Post by garvinhicking »


The error means that no database table 'serendipity_entries' exists. Seems your installation actually failed or you manually droped/removed DB tables...

You should delete the serendipity_config_local.inc.php file, retry the installation and watch out for error messages why the DB table might not get created.

# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
# Did I help you? Consider making me happy: http://wishes.garv.in/
# or use my PayPal account "paypal {at} supergarv (dot) de"
# My "other" hobby: http://flickr.garv.in/
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:10 pm

Re: Query Failed After Install

Post by Erehwon »

Thanks for the guidance Garvin... I'm posting my results here - indeed it appears that it can't find tables - not sure why it says successful at the bottom only for it not to be working...

Serendipity Installation

Checking to see if the database and tables already exist... they do not
Creating default database setup... Done
Creating primary author 'erehwon'...
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('hashkey', '1312228591', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist Done
Setting default template...
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('template', 'bulletproof', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist Done
Installing default plugins... Done
Attempting to write .htaccess file...... Done

INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('dbNames', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('serendipityPath', '/usr/www/users/pl1522/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('uploadPath', 'uploads/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('serendipityHTTPPath', '/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('templatePath', 'templates/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('uploadHTTPPath', 'uploads/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('baseURL', 'http://pl1522.pairlitesite.com/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('autodetect_baseURL', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('indexFile', 'index.php', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkStructure', 'archives/%id%-%title%.html', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkAuthorStructure', 'authors/%id%-%realname%', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkCategoryStructure', 'categories/%id%-%name%', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkFeedCategoryStructure', 'feeds/categories/%id%-%name%.rss', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkFeedAuthorStructure', 'feeds/authors/%id%-%realname%.rss', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkArchivesPath', 'archives', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkArchivePath', 'archive', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkCategoriesPath', 'categories', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkAuthorsPath', 'authors', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkUnsubscribePath', 'unsubscribe', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkDeletePath', 'delete', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkApprovePath', 'approve', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkFeedsPath', 'feeds', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkPluginPath', 'plugin', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkAdminPath', 'admin', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkSearchPath', 'search', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('permalinkCommentsPath', 'comments', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('blogTitle', 'Erehwon', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('blogDescription', 'Pressing the reset button daily...', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('blogMail', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('allowSubscriptions', 'true', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('allowSubscriptionsOptIn', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('useCommentTokens', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('lang', 'en', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('charset', 'UTF-8/', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('calendar', 'gregorian', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('lang_content_negotiation', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('enablePluginACL', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('fetchLimit', '15', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('RSSfetchLimit', '15', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('searchsort', 'timestamp', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('enforce_RFC2616', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('useGzip', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('wysiwyg', 'false', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('enablePopup', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('embed', 'false', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('top_as_links', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('trackReferrer', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('blockReferer', ';', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('rewrite', 'none', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('useServerOffset', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('serverOffsetHours', '0', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('showFutureEntries', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('enableACL', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('magick', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('convert', '/usr/local/bin/convert', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('thumbSuffix', 'serendipityThumb', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('thumbSize', '110', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('thumbConstraint', 'largest', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('maxFileSize', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('maxImgWidth', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('maxImgHeight', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('onTheFlySynch', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('dynamicResize', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('mediaExif', '1', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('mediaProperties', 'DPI:IMAGE;RUN_LENGTH:VIDEO:AUDIO;DATE;COPYRIGHT;TITLE;COMMENT1:MULTI;COMMENT2:MULTI;ALT', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
INSERT INTO serendipity_config (name,value,authorid) values ('mediaKeywords', '', '0')
/ Table 'pl1522_s9y.serendipity_config' doesn't exist
Serendipity has been successfully installed
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Powered by Serendipity and PHP 5.3.6
Posts: 4
Joined: Wed Mar 09, 2005 6:10 pm

Re: Query Failed After Install

Post by Erehwon »

Found the problem here - the user account I was using didn't have correct perms... for some reason the read/write user was enough to create the database - but rather the user account with full permissions worked.
Post Reply