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Wordpress Import Failed

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 3:43 am
by Sarpy Sam
I have been interested in S9y for a while and downloaded the snapshot two days ago. I tried to import my wordpress blog and failed with the following error.

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/nowheret/public_html/test/include/admin/importers/ on line 222

All entries came over all right but the comments didn't all make it. Is there any way I can make the execution time go over 30 seconds to finish this or can I just do it again.


Re: Wordpress Import Failed

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:56 am
by garvinhicking
Maybe you can try to open the file include/admin/importers/ and after the <?php insert this line:

Code: Select all

Then you can try the importer again (though you should empty your entries/comments table first, of everyting will be imported again...)


Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 1:22 pm
by tomsommer
note that set_time_limit has no effect if your site is in safe-mode

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:26 pm
by Sarpy Sam
I don't know what safe mode is but it worked anyway. Everything got imported. I do have a question though.

At the end of all the posts where it tells you the number of comments to the post they all read 0 even though the post has comments attached to it. Is there any way to fix this so it shows the right number of comments?

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 12:46 am
by jhermanns
if you are using mysql 4.1 you could do the following (in phpMyAdmin or so):

Code: Select all

UPDATE serendipity_entries SET serendipity_entries.comments = (
  SELECT count( FROM serendipity_comments
  WHERE serendipity_comments.entry_id LIKE
  AND serendipity_comments.type LIKE 'NORMAL'
to fix the number of comments and then

Code: Select all

UPDATE serendipity_entries SET serendipity_entries.trackbacks = (
  SELECT count( FROM serendipity_comments
  WHERE serendipity_comments.entry_id LIKE
  AND serendipity_comments.type LIKE 'TRACKBACK'
to fix the trackbacks. Please note that these subselects only work in MySQL 4 and this select construct only in 4.1. You might need to change the 'serendipity_' prefix if you chose something else. I hope there's no typo in there, I haven't tested this, but thats the way to go :-)

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2005 2:07 am
by Sarpy Sam
I assumed there was a way to do it via mysql. Unfortunately my server is running 4.0.16 mysql. I am completly unfarmilar with mysql and I can't figure out the documentaion for how it should be configured to get the command to work.
