POPFetcher Plugin: Restrict E-Mail Sender

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POPFetcher Plugin: Restrict E-Mail Sender

Post by jrj127 »

I like the POPFetcher plugin but I found an annoyance/bug with it's feature allowing you to restrict the E-Mail sender. Most email clients will put the user's name in the From: field along with the email address. Doing so means your POPFetcher configuration must match it exactly.

Could POPFetcher be modified to parse out the email address of the From: field (basically just the text between the < and > characters?

For example:

From: "Last, First" <first.last@gmaill.com>

Intuitively, you would think to just put first.last@gmail.com in the POPFetcher configuration. The way it really works is you have to put the entire string "Last, First" <first.last@gmail.com> into POPFetcher.

This can cause problems because different email clients might encode their From: field differently. I use all sorts of clients: MS Outlook, SquirrelMail (web mail), mutt, and my PDA/Phone is a PocketPC.
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Re: POPFetcher Plugin: Restrict E-Mail Sender

Post by garvinhicking »


One could do that, but the problem is that one could easier fake his email address. Let's say, I knew you use "no@body.com" as your mail address and have restricted your popfetcher to that, then I could not send a mail using 'no@body.com' (if your MTA/SMTP is configured properly) to your host.

HOWEVER, if popfetcher would NOT match the full contents of the field, then I could send a mail as:

"<no@body.com>" <mymail@notbody.com>

and since the popfetcher would strip out what'S between <> and make substring match, I could trick myself into submitting mails for you.

Best regards
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Re: POPFetcher Plugin: Restrict E-Mail Sender

Post by ju »

It would be great if a future version of POPfetcher made it possible to allow more than one sender address.

//ps: sorry, I realised this thread was in "bugs" after I had posted my wish. If I find a suitable thread in plugins, I will post it there and delete this posting here.
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