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German Umlauts once again (Debian)

Posted: Mon Jan 17, 2005 10:02 pm
by wh1sper
Here in the bug section of forum is a German Article which discusses the issues with the German Language set especially date and time.
But sadly that doesn't works for me.
I have investegated this and shoot down the problem to this (in short)
First: the system has to support the wished language locale.
Test it !
second:, don't include not supported Locales in the

Code: Select all
On my site there isn't euro support for example.
If this is listed in the define line then the Locales doesn't work
This is my personnal line:

Code: Select all

@define('DATE_LOCALES', 'de_DE', 'de_DE.ISO_8859-1');
Finally I got Date and Month in German :P :)
For a indeep explanation (in German only) please see

Bug is not the right place for this posting, please give me a favour and move it

Re: German Umlauts once again (Debian)

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:26 pm
by garvinhicking
The locales are usually executed from first to last and checking them should stop after one locale has worked properly. Maybe you are using an older PHP version? Because this works well since quite some time on most german blogs I've heard (also on debian systems, I use 3 of them with this locale...).

But of course we can leave it here if ever someone faces the same problem, thanks! :)
