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Add entry to more than one category

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:38 pm
by Hilde
I've searched the entired forum (by using the search function) and can't find it...

Is there a possibility to add an entry/post to more than one category? I.e. Let's say I type a political post that has a religious undercurrent, can I add it to the category Political as well as the category Religious?

If so, is there a different plug-in or do I have to alter something in one of the files?

Thanks a million in advance :)


Re: Add entry to more than one category

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:26 pm
by garvinhicking
This functionality comes out-of-the-box since Serendipity 0.6 I think. You just need to hit the "+" sign beside the category dropdown when creating a new entry. You can then Ctrl-Click on each category you want your entry to appear in.


Re: Add entry to more than one category

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:37 pm
by Hilde
garvinhicking wrote:This functionality comes out-of-the-box since Serendipity 0.6 I think. You just need to hit the "+" sign beside the category dropdown when creating a new entry. You can then Ctrl-Click on each category you want your entry to appear in.
Who would've thought it was that easy? Thanks Garvin!