Testing: Template Editor Plugin

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Testing: Template Editor Plugin

Post by akb »

Well, dont know if theres something like that already done, but heres a first testing release of a rudimentary template editor plugin i am planning to finish :-)

its not yet a really nice one, more a quick and dirty thingy, but loading and saving (including creating a backup) works so far, though you should not really use it without creating a backup of your template folder. resizable textarea and quicklinks work too. if you have good ideas about which quicklinks i should implement just let me know.

(german) articles w/ download @ my blog: http://www.arnekolja.de/130/ & http://www.arnekolja.de/131/
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Re: Testing: Template Editor Plugin

Post by garvinhicking »


Wow. That is awesome work, and was requested many times before.

I have only just checked out your code, and in its basic forms it seems well!

There are some things I'd like to suggest:

1a. Please use proper indentation of the code. Use 4 spaces, no tabs. Only if you follow those rules, we can add the plugin to spartacus, and I will be able to work with the code easily. *g*

1b. Please try to stick to PEAR code guidelines, generally. Usually you only use brackets around function methods; not PHP tokens like "echo" or "print", which are considered general statements. Of course this is purely cosmetical, but it makes s9y plugins look more in synch if all of them look somewhat alike. :)

1c. You still use many native english outputs, if possible please abstract them into constants.

2. For security reasons, you should consider using the serendipity_setFormToken() and serendipity_checkFormToken() functions to first set a session token which will later be checked, so that nobody can trick you into clicking alink that performs an action like saving a remote file with evil content on your webserver. Have a look in the s9y code to see how exactly those two functions are used.

3. Also for security reasons, you should make VERY VERY sure that you only read and write files that are within the $serendipity['serendipityPath'] directory. Thus, you should clear all "../" and other evil characters frmo the $_POST['filename'] variable before you use fopen/fwrite commands on it. Or else, people would be able to operate on all files that the webserver can write to. Have a look at the serendipity_uploadSecure() function to see how to sanitize those variables. Also when you output filenames, make sure you use htmlentities() around it to prevent XSS.

4. You should create a configuration value that defines the HTTP path to your plugin's directory. Currently you use:

Code: Select all

<script src="'. $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] .'/plugins/serendipity_event_templateeditor/js/tinytype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
but it can be that people install the plugin in a mod_Rewrite environment or within a plugins/more_plugins/serendipity... directory structure, and then the fetch would fail. Have a look at a plugin like the FCKEditor one, which defines a path from where to load JS files.

5. Try to avoid using $PHP_SELF. It can be exploited for XSS; either use htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), or (even better) build the module by specifying the path to serendipity_admin.php with the URL variables you need.

6. You should definitely use htmlspecialchars($theData) to prohibit XSS within your textarea! If people write "</textarea>" inside their templates, they could put any HTML they want into your admin interface.

All in all, this are things that should be fixable easy, and I am looking very much forward onto the development if this plugin. Awesome work!

Best regards,
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by akb »

thanks for that great reply, garvin :-)

like i mentioned above its only a testing release and i didnt spend much time into this yet. actually i just typed a bit of code via ssh + midnight commander while i watched tv with my girl :D but since this has great potential, i'll do that cleanup and try to follow your wishes and guidelines :-) btw reading your posting tells me about one great thing: the wellness of s9y's code base. its really good you set up those requirements for proper coded plugins, because it avoids that state i see with many other php software i dont want to mention now ;)

well... after clearing this out: tell me your wishes regarding the plugins functionality :-) what would you like to see this plugin to be able to? :-)
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Post by garvinhicking »


Great news. :) I'm looking forward to the new version. Let us know! :)
well... after clearing this out: tell me your wishes regarding the plugins functionality :-) what would you like to see this plugin to be able to? :-)
Maybe this is also for other people. What I would love to see is this "quick snippet" functionality you already showed. Maybe some W3C/CSS Links as well...I'm not really sure, maybe template coders like Carl or d_cee have some wishes :)

Best regards,
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by d_cee »

this seems like a great idea.

I've downloaded your plugin and installed it on my test server. I'll take a good look later and post any suggestions I might have.

In the meantime I got this message when I tried to use the plugin to edit the index.tpl file
Creating backup...
Warning: copy(index.tpl): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/vhosts/mydomain.com/subdomains/test/httpdocs/plugins/serendipity_event_templateeditor/serendipity_event_templateeditor.php on line 90
failed! :-(
Not saving file, because backup failed, sorry!

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Post by akb »

hi dave,

great you tested it, i fixed this earlier ago and updated the testing archive multiple times today, so you're very welcome to check out the newest one :-)


I now also got a changelog at my article and will update the whole article tomorrow or something, including an english version. the editor itself is quite usable now i think.

@garvin: i'll do my best to follow your guidelines, well, i already changed a bit from what you told. my todo (documented within the php file) reflects your wishes on my way to "officially" releasing this plugin too. so... one quick question: as soon as it achieves the quality standards, would you like to put it into s9y's release package too? its not just being "promoted" or something like that to me, but more a thing of thinking that there are many users waiting for this such a long time now... maybe the community would like to have this as part of the release base :-)
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Post by judebert »

You betcha! We'd love to have template editing in the distribution! Heck, my wife just got snippy with me because I told her she needed to edit a file to change her template's colors; I want it in the distribution.
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Post by garvinhicking »

Like Judebert said. :-)
# Garvin Hicking (s9y Developer)
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Post by carl_galloway »

I second (or is it third) that.

This ability is exactly what Serendipity needs to really take off, but it also means that we might have to re-structure our stylesheets to put all color values at the top so that users aren't unnecessarilty confused with structural styles that they may never need to change.

I guess the next logical step after this would be to allow on-the-fly image changes which would allow users to replace a header/background/footer image. This might be taking things too far, but I can bet it will be asked for.
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Post by d_cee »

Hi akb
just thinking of features that it might have.

a color selection palette
highlight some text and put a span around it

don't know if these are possible, but I think it's a really good plugin already

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Post by akb »

hi dave,

i think that shouldnt be a problem at all. the span thingy i'll check out this evening and the other one... well, there should be sorta open source library out there for that purpose, i think. i'll do a search :-)
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Post by d_cee »

Hi akb

garvin and carl had a thread about a colou-wheel in the theme configurator here if it's of any help http://www.s9y.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=5514

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Post by akb »

yeah, this javascript color picker seems nice, but i cannot find any credits or license about it :-(

btw: the span thing (and div, and anchor) is now available (not in the testing release yet). i simply used the s9y/serendipity_editor.js to implement it, it has everything we need for this :-) i also gave the usual serendipitys button class to my buttons, so it looks a bit more "official" now, he he.

well... before releasing the plugin officially, i might need to rewrite the code base again, because... well, you know, you start coding something and then you notice that you need to implement the base in an other way to give you the possibilities you want to have for enhancing it. i really need a bit more streamlined code within the editor, i think its really the best to rewrite its base.

after all i think it might take 1 or 2 weeks to release it ready for spartacus, because i dont have the time i had at the weekend now. but i think it will be good :-)
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Post by carl_galloway »

Garvin and I haven't continued our discussion about the colorwheel thing yet, but I might send my preview template to him (and you) if you would like to see it implemented.

I think adding a colorwheel directly into serendipity (your plugin) might be better than in the template config because it keeps things in places where users might expect to see them. As for the credits, I think the javascript file actually has those in it, but I'll chase them down if its needed.

So if anyone wants to see how I've implemented the colorpicker into a template, please pm me with your email address and I'll send it out today or tomorrow.
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Post by akb »

you have got a message :-)

but by the way: i dont know yet how configurable themes are implemented, so i will check this out with your template for the first time. so i'll see what you mean when this happens :-)
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