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Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 6:46 pm
by Euronymous
Okay, nothing great

came from wordpress and want something "new" so here I am, entertain me ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:09 pm
by azel
Love the design. How are you liking s9y so far?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 8:38 pm
by Euronymous
it seems not so flexible like wp... and the community is not so big, but actually i just want to blog, and not an exam in technical issues ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:13 pm
by garvinhicking

Actually Serendipity should be more flexible, it has a stronger template API and a superior plugin API. ;)

But to not state things as such: Can you tell us what you might want to do which you think is not possible? Then we could tell you if you're right, or if there's a way to do it - and not just boast with sentences like above ;)

About the Community: Yes, you're right about that. But we just got one person more. *g*

I also like the look of your page - it all fits together nicely, I like those sidebar titles!

Best regards,

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:47 pm
by carl_galloway
Serendipity is a much younger platform than Wordpress, so it has developed differently. The flexibility is there, we just don't have enough people pushing the boundaries yet. The great news is that people like yourself, are helping with that. Please help us grow this community by posting your experiences, and any problems or wow factor stuff that you come across when using Serendipity. We take all comments on board, good and bad, and thats another really big advantage of Serendipity. The community is still small enough that your voice can be heard above the clutter.

BTW, good work on your template. Its really nice to see someone breaking out of the traditional look and creating what you've created.

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 9:54 pm
by Euronymous
it's the source and the enviroment... umm, at wp you have a lot of options and many things you don't need at all, at s9y you load them all, it's okay, but a little bit strange for me, so simple things like a linklist is not an native function, (yea yea i can make it with a html nugget, but i'm lazy ;) )

next thing is i miss a statistic that shows me the things like keywords from searchmachines or which browser the readers use. okay you can make it extern with googleanalytics or something else but i'm lazy ;)

and last but not least, in wp you can edit the files directly (Plugins, Templates etc.) and don't need to down-/upload them (did i say, that i'm lazy?)... okay i think thats all, for now ;)

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 10:05 pm
by carl_galloway
Nothing wrong with being lazy, some of us make it an art form :D

We actually have a linklist plugin, and also a plugin for search results (searchhighlight), and a statisitics plugin. If any of these don't do everything you want, then simply make a request in the plugins forum. Someone will answer your question pretty quickly, and often it will be the author of the plugin.

Being able to edit template files on the fly would be pretty groovy, Garvin, hint hint... it would kind of need to be an explorer type editor that allowed every file to be edited, but maybe we could create a special tag that template designers could put into the files for areas that could locked from editing. One thing I would personally like is the ability to edit so that users could add more navbar links on the fly.

Posted: Mon Sep 04, 2006 9:37 am
by garvinhicking

Thanks for the feedback!

Having no option to edit files in the backend is deliberate from my point of view because of those reasons:

1. The webserver would need full write privileges to your template files. This might impose a security risk.

2. Editing files in your webbrowser is a pain, because no syntax highlighting can be used and no search+replace etc. I do not want to advocate editing files like this.

3. Being able to edit files from the backend might introduce a security risk because all users might then be able to edit template files. This would require very strict checks that only privileged users are allowed to access this. This would hopefully not be a problem, but if bugs were to slip through, this could be fatal.

But in the end, that's just my point of view. If someone other wants to implement this as a plugin, I would be fine with that if it runs stable. :)

Best regards,