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Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_start()

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:46 pm
by pizte
Hello, i can't install my Serendipity 0.7-rc1.

I use PHP 5.0.2 and Apache 2.0.52

It doesn't run when i acces to it, i tried doing accesiong the intall file ( manually, but even then it doesn't work, any suggestions? thans :)

Re: Fatal error: Call to undefined function session_start()

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:15 pm
by garvinhicking
If the message above is your error message, your PHP is wrongly compiled and you are missing the session module. Which server does your apache run on? FreeBSD?

Show us your phpinfo() output, you may need to install some PHP extensions.


Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:19 pm
by pizte
Thanks for yor answer, i use gentoo and probably compiled it wrong as you said. i'll try it



PD: I don know anything about PHP so i can't tell you my phpinfo() output :(

Needed extensions

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 5:27 pm
by garvinhicking
Okay; you'll probably need to install those PHP extensions:

* posix
* session
* sockets
* sendmail support
* tokenizer
* optional: xml
* one of: postgresql, mysql, sqlite
* One of: gdlib (+ libjpeg, libpng) or imagemagick binary (no module)
* If you want to have captchas: gdlib + libpng + t1lib + freetype

After that, you can just create a script:

Code: Select all

<?php phpinfo(); ?>
and save it as 'info.php' on your server; call that via your browser, and the output will show the configuration of PHP.