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x-mas wish: mandatory alt tag in file insert window

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:54 pm
by snafu
blind users need to have an alt-tag for images. i would be very pleased if i could check a checkbox in blog configuration to have a mandatory input field for this alt-tag when a new image is inserted into text. like this:


we are setting up an city magazine wich should be usable by blind persons too. thank you in advance!

Re: x-mas wish: mandatory alt tag in file insert window

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 5:56 pm
by garvinhicking
I think instead of doing that on insertion time, a comment for an image should be stored upon upload:

We have that filed as: ... tid=542825

Hopefully some volunteer comes along :-)

Best regards,

Re: x-mas wish: mandatory alt tag in file insert window

Posted: Thu Mar 30, 2006 7:01 am
by snafu
hi garvin
garvinhicking wrote:I think instead of doing that on insertion time, a comment for an image should be stored upon upload
yes, thats better and will avoid inconsistencies(? :-)

maybe there is a programmer outside there ...!

(not my cup of tea, but btw: im working on an update of my s9y pdf manual for beginners, adding a checklist for good writing style for an newspaper-like medium)