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Patches not allowed as attachments (.diff / .patch)

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2015 2:04 pm
by hanno
I just submitted a bug report here with an attached patch.

The forum didn't allow me to attach files with the extension .diff or .patch. I worked around this by using .txt (patch doesn't care which extension you use), but as this is a forum for the development of a software I'd find it appropriate to allow sharing patches with their correct extension.

Can you please allow uploads of files with .patch/.diff extension?

Re: Patches not allowed as attachments (.diff / .patch)

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2015 3:38 pm
by garvinhicking

We mainly want to accept patches through github; we are currently reworking our documentation to point this out specifically.

In the future we do not want this forum to contain/track those files, and enforce the use github as a place for actual code contributions.

Thanks a lot for helping! :-)

Best regards,