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Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 5:57 pm
by safti
I was in the IRC-Channel before, but as this was nearly dead (thanks for your response anyway chke) I decided to come here.

I just crashed my blog. This happened the second time and I'm not willing to reinstall another time, as I did before. So, all I did was changing the sub-title of the blog via the admin forms. Now I get an error such as /*ERROR*/ mysql_connect(): Access denied for user 'CUSTOMUSERNAME'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in /www/htdocs/w0124a18/ on line 270 /*ERROR*/. The 'CUSTOMUSERNAME' is not my db-username, but my chosen username for this blog. I think this is the issue and somehow s9y changed it when I pressed the save button. So all I need to do is change it back, right? At the moment I was trying to figure out, where database access data is saved. Couldn’t do it by now. So if anyone could tell where exactly the login information regarding the database are saved I would really appreciate this.

I’m using the latest s9y 2.0 beta I downloaded this night from the official homepage.

I posted in Bugs because I think this should not happen.

Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Thu Sep 04, 2014 6:33 pm
by chke
If you had waited five more minutes on IRC ;)
Check out the file in your s9y base dir.
This should contain your DB info.
Edit: I just now read, that you're using the beta. I'm still running 1.7 so I don't know if the files are the same... Sorry

Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 4:02 am
by safti
Thanks for you reply anyways.
Yeah, I looked at a couple of files, with similar names to yours, but I only found custom values for the installation forms. Right now I'm downloading all files from the server to search them for my database name.

Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 10:36 am
by Timbalu
safti wrote:This happened the second time and I'm not willing to reinstall another time, as I did before. So, all I did was changing the sub-title of the blog via the admin forms
I can not confirm this with a current snapshot (which is beta-3).
You must have also changed any option in Configuration - Database Settings too, which is what you laterly find in (*). This is one huge single form. So every change will be submitted on save.

( Example of * )

Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 7:57 pm
by yellowled
Timbalu wrote:You must have also changed any option in Configuration - Database Settings too, which is what you laterly find in (*). This is one huge single form. So every change will be submitted on save.
Smells like browser form autofill or something.


Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Fri Sep 05, 2014 8:57 pm
by safti
Hey, thanks for the Link provided to the other topic. I was expecting to find a configuration file similar to the one explained there. However, I could not find any but only files containing logic or default installation values.

There is no "" on my server with s9y 2.0 beta installed.
But there are:

1) which includes a bunch of logic and includes 2 files:

1a) include/tpl/ This file contains all default values needed for the installation.

1b) include/tpl/

Code: Select all

<?php # $Id$
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Jannis Hermanns (on behalf the Serendipity Developer Team)
# All rights reserved.  See LICENSE file for licensing details

// Here be dragons and NO application logic!

    $res = array();
    $res['personal'] =
             array('title' => USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL,
                   'description' => USERCONF_CAT_PERSONAL_DESC,
                   'items' => array(array('var'         => 'username',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_USERNAME,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_USERNAME_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'string',
                                          'default'     => 'johndoe',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'password',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_PASSWORD,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_PASSWORD_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'fullprotected',
                                          'default'     => '',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'check_password',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_CHECK_PASSWORD,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_CHECK_PASSWORD_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'fullprotected',
                                          'default'     => '',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'realname',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_REALNAME,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_REALNAME_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'string',
                                          'default'     => 'John Doe',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'userlevel',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_USERLEVEL,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_USERLEVEL_DESC . "\n" . USERLEVEL_OBSOLETE,
                                          'type'        => 'list',
                                          'default'     => $serendipity['permissionLevels'],
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfigurationUserlevel',
                                          'view'        => 'dangerous'),

                                    array('var'         => 'groups',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_GROUPS,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_GROUPS_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'multilist',
                                          'permission'  => array('adminUsersMaintainOthers', 'adminUsersMaintainSame'),
                                          'perm_mode'   => 'or',
                                          'default'     => serendipity_getAllGroups(),
                                          'flags'       => array('groups'),
                                          'view'        => 'dangerous'),

                                    array('var'         => 'email',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_EMAIL,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_EMAIL_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'string',
                                          'default'     => '',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'lang',
                                          'title'       => INSTALL_LANG,
                                          'description' => INSTALL_LANG_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'list',
                                          'default'     => $serendipity['languages'],
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'wysiwyg',
                                          'title'       => INSTALL_WYSIWYG,
                                          'description' => INSTALL_WYSIWYG_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => false,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'mail_comments',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_SENDCOMMENTS_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => true,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'mail_trackbacks',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_SENDTRACKBACKS_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => true,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration'),

                                    array('var'         => 'no_create',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_CREATE,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_CREATE_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => false,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfigurationNoCreate',
                                          'flags'       => array('config'),
                                          'view'        => 'dangerous'),

                                    array('var'         => 'right_publish',
                                          'title'       => USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH,
                                          'description' => USERCONF_ALLOWPUBLISH_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => true,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfigurationRightPublish',
                                          'view'        => 'dangerous'),
                                    array('var'         => 'simpleFilters',
                                          'title'       => SIMPLE_FILTERS,
                                          'description' => SIMPLE_FILTERS_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'default'     => true,
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'enableBackendPopup',
                                          'title'       => INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP,
                                          'description' => INSTALL_BACKENDPOPUP_DESC,
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => false,
                                          'flags'       => array('config'),
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration')

    $res['defaults'] =
             array('title' => USERCONF_CAT_DEFAULT_NEW_ENTRY,
                   'description' => '',
                   'items' => array(
                                    array('var'         => 'moderateCommentsDefault',
                                          'title'       => COMMENTS_MODERATE,
                                          'description' => '',
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => false,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'allowCommentsDefault',
                                          'title'       => COMMENTS_ENABLE,
                                          'description' => '',
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => true,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'publishDefault',
                                          'title'       => NEW_ENTRY,
                                          'description' => '',
                                          'type'        => 'list',
                                          'default'     => array('publish' => PUBLISH, 'draft' => DRAFT),
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

                                    array('var'         => 'showMediaToolbar',
                                          'title'       => SHOW_MEDIA_TOOLBAR,
                                          'description' => '',
                                          'type'        => 'bool',
                                          'default'     => false,
                                          'permission'  => 'personalConfiguration',
                                          'flags'       => array('config')),

    return $res;
this is the content of the file. Neither does this include my database information. :/

Where could it else be?

Are you guys running v1.7?

NVM: I don't know which file I looked at, but now I somehow found the right file and my error. Thanks for the help at all

Seemed like auto form, because the password changed as well.

Re: Reseting the DB-User while Changing Sub-Title of Blog?

Posted: Sat Sep 06, 2014 11:43 am
by yellowled
safti wrote:There is no "" on my server with s9y 2.0 beta installed.
That is probably the root of all evil because there should definitely be one (yes, even in 2.x) in the root directory of your installation. I'm not aware of any existing issues with 2.x deleting that file accidentally.
safti wrote:1) which includes a bunch of logic and includes 2 files:
None of these is the file that we're looking for.
safti wrote:Are you guys running v1.7?
Yes, my “productive” blog is still on 1.7.8, but I also have a development blog for 2.x. Never had any issues with the config file disappearing.