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Wrong date for new article

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 12:40 pm
by deedw
I really don't know what the problem is but if I want to create a new blog post the date is always: 2014-02-27. Even if I click on the clock icon the time is updated but the date stays the 27th of February.

Can anyone verify this? I use Serendipity 1.6.2.

Best regards

Re: Wrong date for new article

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:00 pm
by yellowled
deedw wrote:I really don't know what the problem is but if I want to create a new blog post the date is always: 2014-02-27. Even if I click on the clock icon the time is updated but the date stays the 27th of February.

Can anyone verify this? I use Serendipity 1.6.2.
Where does it stay the same? In the entry editor in the backend? In the frontend?

I can imagine a few things here. It might be your blog doesn't save entries properly, it might just a coding error in your template. Please provide more technical detail about your blog (PHP version, database type and version, theme used), ideally also a URL to your blog so we can take a look at the frontend.

Also, you might want to update your outdated s9y 1.6.2 to the current stable 1.7.8, but I'm not aware of any bugs in 1.6.2 which might cause the date not to be saved. (Which doesn't mean this isn't a bug.)


Re: Wrong date for new article

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 1:27 pm
by deedw
> Where does it stay the same? In the entry editor in the backend? In the frontend?

If I understood you correctly in the backend where the little clock icon is. I can correct the entry manually in the edit field and .... Oh. The problem seems to be a little deeper. I posted a new entry today. If you look at my blog you don't see it. If I take a look at the "entry overview" the entry is marked with a clock icon that says that it's not released yet. The release date is "02.03.2014 10:33" ... That means 3 hours ago.

So it seems that the blog doesn't get the correct date from the server. I have only rented some webspace and do not own the server so I cannot take a look at it. Do you know any other method to check the server date and time? I will ask my webspace provider too.

PHP version 5.2.14. Database is MySQL, version unknown. Theme is Joshua (2008-02-14).

PS: I may do an update this week ...

Re: Wrong date for new article

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:30 pm
by yellowled
deedw wrote:If I take a look at the "entry overview" the entry is marked with a clock icon that says that it's not released yet. The release date is "02.03.2014 10:33" ... That means 3 hours ago.
I think the clock icon in the entry list in the backend only states that there's a difference between the entry's publish date and the date the entry was last edited. So it should show up only on entries which you edited after publishing them but on which you did not set the date to current time when editing.
deedw wrote:So it seems that the blog doesn't get the correct date from the server.
There are actually two settings for that in Administration/Configuration in the backend. You can set if dates should be based on server time or GMT as well as a time difference between your location and the location of the server. This is not very common in Europe, but if you are not in Europe and your server is, I guess it might screw up the entry dates.


Re: Wrong date for new article

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 8:04 pm
by deedw
I've talked to my webhoster and it really was a problem with the server. It had a little hickup and sent the wrong date.

Everything's fine now. The problem was not within Serendipity. :)

Thanks for your help anyway ...