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broken after transfer

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 2:19 am
by efialt
(130.73 KiB) Downloaded 311 times
I carefully copied all the files to the new hosting, including .htaccess, but the blog doesn't work, giving me error 500

I tried to upgrade, to install new and substitute database file, but failed. The new installation works unless I change the db file to the old one (username, password, table prefix are the same).

Attempt to import the records gives an error 'Couldn't connect to MySQL'

The db file is in the attachment, I can give the username, password and table prefix, if you need (nothing secret and unic pass).

Re: broken after transfer

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2013 5:22 pm
by Timbalu
You do not really want anybody to download and open zips, without knowing you are a serious user, do you?

First there is some information needed:
  • Is the old installation a standalone, true Serendipity release version, not one of these hosters 1-click-installations?
  • From which version are we talking?
  • Any important changes by old to new hosters server? PHP Version and Webserver/Database name and version.
  • Did you set or adapt the right (new) path settings in .htaccess file, and the database *_config table, before trying to access your blog? (There might be more in your entries tables.)
  • Give us an URL, please
  • Did you check if your database is working in general? (One of the first things todo, if getting a 'Couldn't connect to MySQL' error!)
  • How did you import the database tables to the new server?
  • All those panic actions you did, were done on the new server? What happened exactly? Are you sure you can follow up migration cleanly now?
  • Did you check your servers HTTP error.log file and maybe also the php_error.log, while having a 500? This could be important to see the real breaking issue.
  • Did you check permissions of the migrated files? How did you copy to the new server (FTP in the past had problems without explicitely using binary mode and forced overwrite mode).

Re: broken after transfer

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 4:23 am
by efialt
0. I think zip files with no executables inside are safe. Even the executables are safe unless you are not going to run it. Even running it is safe if you do in on virtual machine or wine. Even running it on working system is safe if you control the net and have fresh backup. Even if not, it is safe if you run it on a comp which is specially designed for such operation and contain to critical data.
1, 2. It was 1.5.5 version downloaded from s9y. 1.7.3 was also tried.
3. To be honest, the old hoster is lost and I cannot tell you which version they were used. As far as I understand, the PHP version at the new one is 5.5, it was downgraded to 5.3 in attemt to revive serendipity with no effect. I am not sure in numbers, if it is really important I can check it in 12 hours.
4. I tried to set the proper paths in config. When the paths points to the db needed serendipity shows error 500.htaccess didn't contain any certain paths. Since I have no access to the db, I couldn't check the tables inside. Should I dl sqlite manager and try?
6. The guy helping me with it said that it is opening in SQLite manager.
7. I just copied all the folders and files reursively. The last time I did so it worked.
8. I still have intact copy of the installation, worked fine at the old server.

Thank you.

Re: broken after transfer

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2013 10:52 am
by Timbalu
Well, it looks like you are trying to access a (old servers) MySQL Database on a (new servers) SQLite database.
Did you check your DB credentials in file, still pointing to the old mysql database, which doesn't exist? At least the 'Couldn't connect to MySQL' error is pointing to something like this. Check $serendipity['dbType'].

Did you check if the conversion to Sqlite was done correctly? (There are glitches) ... e+database

If the full and the host path to Serendipity has changed, it is a need to rewrite these old path in the config and entries (if have) tables too. This can be done in the SQL dump file at home. To upload and administrate you definetely will need a database tool like SQL Manager.

Even your .htaccess file should hold at least this (with normal cgi mode and being more verbose with errordoc or mode_rewrite modes) - please adapt path:

Code: Select all

# BEGIN s9y
DirectoryIndex /r/serendipity/index.php

<Files *.tpl.php>
deny from all

<Files *.tpl>
deny from all

<Files *.sql>
deny from all

<Files *.inc.php>
deny from all

<Files *.db>
deny from all

# END s9y
Did you check your servers HTTP error.log file, while having a 500? There you might see where its breaks fatally.

Re: broken after transfer

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2013 9:21 am
by efialt
Thank you, finally succeed.

You all were almost absolutely right.

First I was to convert the db file from sqlite version 2 to version 3.
Than I was to manually edit the paths inside the db tables.
And finally I was to change db type in the config from sqlite to pdo-sqlite.

Now it works.