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Serendipity doesn't return necessary CSS files?

Posted: Sat Dec 14, 2013 9:03 pm
by ocrampete16
I set up a Serendipity blog today and there's a link to the admin interface that doesn't work (links to /~mpete16/blog/admin, returns 404) so I have to manually type /~mpete16/blog/serendipity_admin/, and in the admin interface the CSS files are not to be found either. I've searched around and I think it has something to do with mod_rewrite and/or ErrorHandler? Anyway, here's my .htaccess file in the Serendipity root folder:

# BEGIN s9y
DirectoryIndex /~mpete16/blog/index.php

<Files *.tpl.php>
deny from all

<Files *.tpl>
deny from all

<Files *.sql>
deny from all

<Files *.inc.php>
deny from all

<Files *.db>
deny from all

# END s9y
Thanks for your help!

Re: Serendipity doesn't return necessary CSS files?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:11 am
by yellowled
ocrampete16 wrote:I set up a Serendipity blog today and there's a link to the admin interface that doesn't work (links to /~mpete16/blog/admin, returns 404) so I have to manually type /~mpete16/blog/serendipity_admin/, and in the admin interface the CSS files are not to be found either. I've searched around and I think it has something to do with mod_rewrite and/or ErrorHandler?
Well, the first thing to find out would be if you have activated URL rewriting in Setting → Configuration → Apperance And Options → URL Rewriting, and if so, which method you chose (it offers four options).

The next question would be if your server does in fact support URL rewriting (some shared hosting servers still don't). If you can find them out, your web server/version, database type/version and PHP version could probably help debug this further as well. If you don't know these, your web hosting provider's support should be able to provide them.


Re: Serendipity doesn't return necessary CSS files?

Posted: Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:49 am
by ocrampete16
Thank you so much! Yes, url_rewriting was set to Disabled, which is strange because I remember following every single step correctly...anyways, thanks a lot!!