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Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:06 am
by avfunk
Hey everyone,

I originally posted this in the bugs thread, but I think it's probably something I did VS a serendipity bug, so here goes.

I've embedded serendipity into my website and everything seems to work, except for archived blog posts. When I click "next page" to see the blog posts that don't fit on the main page, it always loops back to the main page and doesn't show the next page of posts.

I've embedded the blog in articles.php in my root directory and the installation of serendipity is located in another directory, namely domain/updates/

When I click next page it generates a URI like: domain/articles.php?/P2.html which returns the main page.

When I click on a post, it generates the correct URI, mainly domain/articles.php?/archives/blogpostid.html, no problem there.

If I bypass the embedded stuff and set the blog index to index.php instead of ../articles.php and go to the main domain/updates/index.php and click next page, it generates domain/updates/index.php?/archives/P2.html and it works flawlessly.

What am I doing wrong?

This is the content of articles.php:

Code: Select all

$blog = ob_get_contents();

<?php include ('navigation.php'); ?>
<div id="content_updates"><br />
    <div id="wrapper2">
    <div id="block_banner2">
    <a href="webboard_main.php" target="_self">
    <img src="images/message-board-banner.jpg" alt="Message Board Banner"/></a>
	<?php echo $blog;?>
<?php include ('footend.php'); ?>

Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 9:43 am
by garvinhicking

Hm, it could be related to s9y parsing the SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] string and not being able to deduce some parts of the link.

Are you using s9y 1.7?

We might need to debug the serendipity_archiveURL() functions (this should be used for creating the proper previous/next links) in the include/ file. Then we should be able to see why it's happening...


Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:16 am
by avfunk
Yes, I'm using v1.7. Tell me what to do :-)

I've tried different solutions to embed the blog. The solution in my first post, which loops back to the main page and I've tried making a separate blog_wrapper.php in the serendipity dir (/domain/updates/blog_wrapper.php) and then including the homepage via that file.


Code: Select all

include ("index.php");
$blog = ob_get_contents();
include ("../articles.php");
and then including the following in the articles.php file:

Code: Select all

<?php echo $blog;?>
This also displays the blog properly, but this way the next page return a blank page and if you click on the blog title link, it returns an error.

Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 10:21 am
by avfunk
Here's my file content:

Code: Select all

<?php # $Id: 85 2005-05-10 10:11:05Z garvinhicking $
# Copyright (c) 2003-2005, Jannis Hermanns (on behalf the Serendipity Developer Team)
# All rights reserved.  See LICENSE file for licensing details

if (IN_serendipity !== true) {
    die ("Don't hack!");

if (defined('S9Y_FRAMEWORK_PERMALINKS')) {
@define('S9Y_FRAMEWORK_PERMALINKS', true);

 * Converts a string into a filename that can be used safely in HTTP URLs
 * @access public
 * @param   string  input string
 * @param   boolean Shall dots in the filename be removed? (Required for certain regex rules)
 * @return  string  output string
function serendipity_makeFilename($str, $stripDots = false) {
    static $from = array(
                     ' ',













    static $to   = array(













    if (isset($GLOBALS['i18n_filename_utf8'])) {
        $str = str_replace(' ', '_', $str);
        $str = str_replace('&', '%25', $str);
        $str = str_replace('/', '%2F', $str);
        $str = urlencode($str);
    } else {
        if (isset($GLOBALS['i18n_filename_from'])) {
            // Replace international chars not detected by every locale.
            // The array of chars is defined in the language file.
            $str = str_replace($GLOBALS['i18n_filename_from'], $GLOBALS['i18n_filename_to'], $str);

            if (LANG_CHARSET == 'UTF-8') {
                // URLs need to be 7bit - since this function takes care of the most common ISO-8859-1
                // characters, try to UTF8-decode the string first.
                $str = utf8_decode($str);
        } else {
            // Replace international chars not detected by every locale
            if (LANG_CHARSET == 'UTF-8') {
                // URLs need to be 7bit - since this function takes care of the most common ISO-8859-1
                // characters, try to UTF8-decode the string first.
                $str = utf8_decode($str);

            $str = str_replace($from, $to, $str);

        // Nuke chars not allowed in our URI
        $str = preg_replace('#[^' . PAT_FILENAME . ']#i', '', $str);

    // Check if dots are allowed
    if ($stripDots) {
        $str = str_replace('.', '', $str);

    // Remove consecutive separators
    $str = preg_replace('#'. $to[0] .'{2,}#s', $to[0], $str);

    // Remove excess separators
    $str = trim($str, $to[0]);

    if (empty($str)) {
        if (isset($GLOBALS['i18n_unknown'])) {
            $str = $GLOBALS['i18n_unknown'];
        } else {
            $str = 'unknown';

    return $str;

 * Initialize permalinks, if the user did not specify those yet
 * @access public
 * @return null
function serendipity_initPermalinks() {
    global $serendipity;

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkStructure'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkStructure'] = 'archives/%id%-%title%.html';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkFeedAuthorStructure'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkFeedAuthorStructure'] = 'feeds/authors/%id%-%realname%.rss';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkFeedCategoryStructure'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkFeedCategoryStructure'] = 'feeds/categories/%id%-%name%.rss';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkCategoryStructure'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkCategoryStructure'] = 'categories/%id%-%name%';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkAuthorStructure'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkAuthorStructure'] = 'authors/%id%-%realname%';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkArchivesPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkArchivesPath'] = 'archives';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkArchivePath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkArchivePath'] = 'archive';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkCategoriesPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkCategoriesPath'] = 'categories';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkAuthorsPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkAuthorsPath'] = 'authors';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkUnsubscribePath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkUnsubscribePath'] = 'unsubscribe';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkDeletePath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkDeletePath'] = 'delete';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkApprovePath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkApprovePath'] = 'approve';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkFeedsPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkFeedsPath'] = 'feeds';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'] = 'plugin';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkAdminPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkAdminPath'] = 'admin';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkSearchPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkSearchPath'] = 'search';

    if (!isset($serendipity['permalinkCommentsPath'])) {
        $serendipity['permalinkCommentsPath'] = 'comments';

    /* URI paths
     * These could be defined in the language headers, except that would break
     * backwards URL compatibility
    @define('PATH_ARCHIVES',    $serendipity['permalinkArchivesPath']);
    @define('PATH_ARCHIVE',     $serendipity['permalinkArchivePath']);
    @define('PATH_CATEGORIES',  $serendipity['permalinkCategoriesPath']);
    @define('PATH_UNSUBSCRIBE', $serendipity['permalinkUnsubscribePath']);
    @define('PATH_DELETE',      $serendipity['permalinkDeletePath']);
    @define('PATH_APPROVE',     $serendipity['permalinkApprovePath']);
    @define('PATH_FEEDS',       $serendipity['permalinkFeedsPath']);
    @define('PATH_PLUGIN',      $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath']);
    @define('PATH_ADMIN',       $serendipity['permalinkAdminPath']);
    @define('PATH_SEARCH',      $serendipity['permalinkSearchPath']);
    @define('PATH_COMMENTS',    $serendipity['permalinkCommentsPath']);

    /* URI patterns
     * Note that it's important to use @ as the pattern delimiter. DO NOT use shortcuts
     * like \d or \s, since mod_rewrite will use the regexps as well and chokes on them.
     * If you add new patterns, remember to add the new rules to the *.tpl files and
     * function serendipity_installFiles().
    @define('PAT_FILENAME',       '0-9a-z\.\_!;,\+\-\%');
    @define('PAT_FILENAME_MATCH', '[' . PAT_FILENAME . ']+');
    @define('PAT_DIRNAME_MATCH',  '[' . PAT_FILENAME . '/]*');
    @define('PAT_CSS',            '@/(serendipity\.css|serendipity_admin\.css)@');
    @define('PAT_FEED',           '@/(index|atom[0-9]*|rss|b2rss|b2rdf).(rss|rdf|rss2|xml)@');
    @define('PAT_COMMENTSUB',     '@/([0-9]+)[_\-][' . PAT_FILENAME . ']*\.html@i');

    return true;

 * Build an array containing all regular expression permalinks
 * @access public
 * @param   boolean     If set to true, the list of permalinks will be returned. If false, all permalinks will be applied as Constants
 * @return  array       (conditional on $return) List of permalinks
function &serendipity_permalinkPatterns($return = false) {
    global $serendipity;

    $PAT = array();

    $PAT['UNSUBSCRIBE']              = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkUnsubscribePath'].'/(.*)/([0-9]+)@';
    $PAT['APPROVE']                  = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkApprovePath'].'/(.*)/(.*)/([0-9]+)@';
    $PAT['DELETE']                   = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkDeletePath'].'/(.*)/(.*)/([0-9]+)@';
    $PAT['ARCHIVES']                 = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkArchivesPath'].'([/A-Za-z0-9]+)\.html@';
    $PAT['FEEDS']                    = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkFeedsPath'].'/@';
    $PAT['ADMIN']                    = '@/(' . $serendipity['permalinkAdminPath'] . '|entries)(/.+)?$@';
    $PAT['ARCHIVE']                  = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkArchivePath'] . '/?@';
    $PAT['CATEGORIES']               = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkCategoriesPath'].'/([0-9;]+)@';
    $PAT['PLUGIN']                   = '@/(' . $serendipity['permalinkPluginPath'] . '|plugin)/(.*)@';
    $PAT['SEARCH']                   = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkSearchPath'] . '/(.*)@';
    $PAT['COMMENTS']                 = '@/'  . $serendipity['permalinkCommentsPath'] . '/(.*)@';
    $PAT['PERMALINK']                = '@('  . serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($serendipity['permalinkStructure'], 'entry') . ')/?@i';
    $PAT['PERMALINK_CATEGORIES']     = '@'   . serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($serendipity['permalinkCategoryStructure'], 'category') . '@i';
    $PAT['PERMALINK_FEEDCATEGORIES'] = '@'   . serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($serendipity['permalinkFeedCategoryStructure'], 'category') . '@i';
    $PAT['PERMALINK_FEEDAUTHORS']    = '@'   . serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($serendipity['permalinkFeedAuthorStructure'], 'author') . '@i';
    $PAT['PERMALINK_AUTHORS']        = '@'   . serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($serendipity['permalinkAuthorStructure'], 'author') . '@i';

    if ($return) {
        return $PAT;
    } else {
        foreach($PAT AS $constant => $value) {
            define('PAT_' . $constant, $value);

        $return = true;
        return $return;

 * Search the reference to a specific permalink
 * This query will show the Entry/Category/Author-ID to a permalink, if that permalink
 * does not contain %id%.
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The permalink configuration string
 * @param   string      The URL to check
 * @param   string      A default return value if no permalink is found
 * @param   string      The type of a permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The ID of the permalink type
function serendipity_searchPermalink($struct, $url, $default, $type = 'entry') {
    global $serendipity;

    if (stristr($struct, '%id%') === FALSE) {
        $url = preg_replace('@^(' . preg_quote($serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'], '@') . '(' . preg_quote($serendipity['indexFile'], '@') . ')?\??(url=)?/?)([^&?]+).*@', '\4', $url);
        // If no entryid is submitted, we rely on a new DB call to fetch the permalink.
        $pq = "SELECT entry_id, data
                 FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks
                WHERE (permalink = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($url) . "'
                   OR permalink = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($default) . "')
                  AND type      = '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($type) . "'
                  AND entry_id  > 0
                LIMIT 1";
// echo $pq; // DEBUG
// die($pq); // DEBUG
        $permalink = serendipity_db_query($pq, true, 'both', false, false, false, true);

        if (is_array($permalink)) {
            return $permalink['entry_id'];

    return $default;

 * Create a permalink for the given input data
 * You can pass an entry array, or an author array to this function
 * and then get a permalink valid for that array
 * @access public
 * @param   array       The input data used for building the permalink
 * @param   string      The type of the permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The permalink
function serendipity_getPermalink(&$data, $type = 'entry') {
    switch($type) {
        case 'entry':
            return serendipity_archiveURL(
                        array('timestamp' => $data['timestamp'])

        case 'category':
            return serendipity_categoryURL($data, '', false);

        case 'author':
            return serendipity_authorURL($data, '', false);

    return false;

 * Update a permalink with new data
 * @access public
 * @param   array       The input data used for building the permalink
 * @param   string      The type of the permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The database result
function serendipity_updatePermalink(&$data, $type = 'entry') {
    global $serendipity;

    $link = serendipity_getPermalink($data, $type);
    return(serendipity_db_query(sprintf("UPDATE {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks
                                            SET permalink = '%s'
                                          WHERE entry_id  = %s
                                            AND type      = '%s'",


 * Insert a new Permalink into the database for latter retrieval
 * This function is basically only used if you have no '%id%' value in your permalink config.
 * @access public
 * @param   array       The input data used for building the permalink
 * @param   string      The type of the permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The permalink
function serendipity_insertPermalink(&$data, $type = 'entry') {
    global $serendipity;

    $link = serendipity_getPermalink($data, $type);

    switch($type) {
        case 'entry':
            $idfield = 'id';

        case 'author':
            $idfield = 'authorid';

        case 'category':
            $idfield = 'categoryid';

    return(serendipity_db_query(sprintf("INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks
                                                    (permalink, entry_id, type)
                                             VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s')",


 * Build all permalinks for all current entries, authors and categories
 * @access public
 * @return null
function serendipity_buildPermalinks() {
    global $serendipity;

    $entries = serendipity_db_query("SELECT id, title, timestamp FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries");

    if (is_array($entries)) {
        serendipity_db_query("DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks WHERE type = 'entry'");

        foreach($entries AS $entry) {
            serendipity_insertPermalink($entry, 'entry');

    $authors = serendipity_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}authors");

    if (is_array($authors)) {
        serendipity_db_query("DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks WHERE type = 'author'");

        foreach($authors AS $author) {
            serendipity_insertPermalink($author, 'author');

    $categories = serendipity_db_query("SELECT * FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}category");

    if (is_array($categories)) {
        serendipity_db_query("DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}permalinks WHERE type = 'category'");

        foreach($categories AS $category) {
            serendipity_insertPermalink($category, 'category');

 * Uses logic to figure out how the URI should look, based on current rewrite rule
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The URL part that you want to format to "pretty urls"
 * @param   string      The path/URL you want as a prefix for your pretty URL
 * @param   boolean     If set to TRUE this will bypass all pretty URLs and format the link so that it works everywhere
 * @return  string      The rewritten URL
function serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key='baseURL', $forceNone = false) {
    global $serendipity;
    return $serendipity[$key] . ($serendipity['rewrite'] == 'none' || ($serendipity['rewrite'] != 'none' && $forceNone) ? $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?/' : '') . $path;

 * Format a permalink according to the configured format
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The URL format to use
 * @param   array       The input data to format a permalink
 * @param   string      The type of the permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The formatted permalink
function serendipity_makePermalink($format, $data, $type = 'entry') {
    global $serendipity;
    static $entryKeys    = array('%id%', '%lowertitle%', '%title%', '%day%', '%month%', '%year%');
    static $authorKeys   = array('%id%', '%username%', '%realname%', '%email%');
    static $categoryKeys = array('%id%', '%name%', '%parentname%', '%description%');

    switch($type) {
        case 'entry':
            if (!isset($data['entry']['timestamp']) && preg_match('@(%day%|%month%|%year%)@', $format)) {
                // We need the timestamp to build the URI, but no timestamp has been submitted. Thus we need to fetch the data.
                $ts = serendipity_db_query("SELECT timestamp FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entries WHERE id = " . (int)$data['id'], true);
                if (is_array($ts)) {
                    $data['entry']['timestamp'] = $ts['timestamp'];
                } else {
                    $data['entry']['timestamp'] = time();

            $ts = serendipity_serverOffsetHour($data['entry']['timestamp']);

            $ftitle  = serendipity_makeFilename($data['title']);
            $fltitle = strtolower($ftitle);

            $replacements =
                    date('d', $ts),
                    date('m', $ts),
                    date('Y', $ts)
            return str_replace($entryKeys, $replacements, $format);

        case 'author':
            $replacements =
                    serendipity_makeFilename($data['username'], true),
                    serendipity_makeFilename($data['realname'], true),
                    serendipity_makeFilename($data['email'], true)
            return str_replace($authorKeys, $replacements, $format);

        case 'category':
            $parent_path = array();

            // This is expensive. Only lookup if required.
            if (strstr($format, '%parentname%')) {
                $parents = serendipity_getCategoryRoot($data['categoryid']);
                if (is_array($parents)) {
                    foreach($parents AS $parent) {
                        $parent_path[] = serendipity_makeFilename($parent['category_name'], true);

            $replacements =
                    serendipity_makeFilename($data['category_name'], true),
                    implode('/', $parent_path),
                    serendipity_makeFilename($data['category_description'], true)
            return str_replace($categoryKeys, $replacements, $format);

    return false;

 * Convert a permalink configuration into a regular expression for use in rewrite rules
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The URL format to use
 * @param   string      The type of the permalink (entry|category|author)
 * @return  string      The regular expression to a permalink URL
function serendipity_makePermalinkRegex($format, $type = 'entry') {
    static $entryKeys           = array('%id%',     '%lowertitle%',     '%title%',          '%day%',      '%month%',    '%year%');
    static $entryRegexValues    = array('([0-9]+)', PAT_FILENAME_MATCH, PAT_FILENAME_MATCH, '[0-9]{1,2}', '[0-9]{1,2}', '[0-9]{4}');

    static $authorKeys          = array('%id%',     '%username%',       '%realname%',       '%email%');
    static $authorRegexValues   = array('([0-9]+)', PAT_FILENAME_MATCH, PAT_FILENAME_MATCH, PAT_FILENAME_MATCH);

    static $categoryKeys        = array('%id%',     '%name%',            '%parentname%',     '%description%');
    static $categoryRegexValues = array('([0-9;]+)', PAT_FILENAME_MATCH, PAT_DIRNAME_MATCH,  PAT_FILENAME_MATCH);

    switch($type) {
        case 'entry':
            return str_replace($entryKeys, $entryRegexValues, preg_quote($format));

        case 'author':
            return str_replace($authorKeys, $authorRegexValues, preg_quote($format));

        case 'category':
            return str_replace($categoryKeys, $categoryRegexValues, preg_quote($format));

 * Create a permalink for an entry permalink
 * @access public
 * @param   int     The entry ID
 * @param   string  The entry title
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @param   boolean Shall the link be rewritten to a pretty URL?
 * @param   array   Additional entry data
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_archiveURL($id, $title, $key = 'baseURL', $checkrewrite = true, $entryData = null) {
    global $serendipity;
    $path = serendipity_makePermalink($serendipity['permalinkStructure'], array('id'=> $id, 'title' => $title, 'entry' => $entryData));
    if ($checkrewrite) {
        $path = serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key);
    return $path;

 * Create a permalink for an authors permalink
 * @access public
 * @param   array   The author data
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @param   boolean Shall the link be rewritten to a pretty URL?
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_authorURL(&$data, $key = 'baseURL', $checkrewrite = true) {
    global $serendipity;
    $path = serendipity_makePermalink($serendipity['permalinkAuthorStructure'], $data, 'author');
    if ($checkrewrite) {
        $path = serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key);
    return $path;

 * Create a permalink for an category permalink
 * @access public
 * @param   array   The category data
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @param   boolean Shall the link be rewritten to a pretty URL?
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_categoryURL(&$data, $key = 'baseURL', $checkrewrite = true) {
    global $serendipity;
    $path = serendipity_makePermalink($serendipity['permalinkCategoryStructure'], $data, 'category');
    if ($checkrewrite) {
        $path = serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key);
    return $path;

 * Create a permalink for an RSS feed permalink
 * @access public
 * @param   array   The entry data
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @param   boolean Shall the link be rewritten to a pretty URL?
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_feedCategoryURL(&$data, $key = 'baseURL', $checkrewrite = true) {
    global $serendipity;
    $path = serendipity_makePermalink($serendipity['permalinkFeedCategoryStructure'], $data, 'category');
    if ($checkrewrite) {
        $path = serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key);
    return $path;

 * Create a permalink for an RSS authors' feed permalink
 * @access public
 * @param   array   The entry data
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @param   boolean Shall the link be rewritten to a pretty URL?
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_feedAuthorURL(&$data, $key = 'baseURL', $checkrewrite = true) {
    global $serendipity;
    $path = serendipity_makePermalink($serendipity['permalinkFeedAuthorStructure'], $data, 'author');
    if ($checkrewrite) {
        $path = serendipity_rewriteURL($path, $key);
    return $path;

 * Create a permalink for an archive date
 * @access public
 * @param   string  The archive's date
 * @param   boolean If true, only summary archive
 * @param   string  The base URL/path key
 * @return  string  The permalink
function serendipity_archiveDateUrl($range, $summary=false, $key='baseURL') {
    return serendipity_rewriteURL(PATH_ARCHIVES . '/' . $range . ($summary ? '/summary' : '') . '.html', $key);

 * Returns the URL to the current page that is being viewed
 * @access public
 * @return string   the current URL
function serendipity_currentURL($strict = false) {
    global $serendipity;

    // All that URL getting humpty-dumpty is necessary to allow a user to change the template in the
    // articles view. POSTing data to that page only works with mod_rewrite and not the ErrorDocument
    // redirection, so we need to generate the ErrorDocument-URI here.

    $uri = @parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
    $qst = '';
    if (!empty($uri['query'])) {
        $qst = '&' . str_replace('&', '&', $uri['query']);
    $uri['path'] = preg_replace('@^' . preg_quote($serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath']) . '@i', ($strict ? '/' : ''), $uri['path']);
    $uri['path'] = preg_replace('@^(&)?' . preg_quote($serendipity['indexFile']) . '(&)@i', '', $uri['path']);
    $url = $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . $serendipity['indexFile'] . '?' . $uri['path'] . $qst;
    $url = str_replace(
            $serendipity['indexFile'] . '&',


        $url); // Kill possible looped repitions and bad characters which could occur

    if ($strict) {
        $url = preg_replace('@(//+)@', '/', $url);

    return $url;

 * Get the URI Arguments for the current HTTP Request
 * @access public
 * @param   string      The URI made for this request
 * @param   boolean     If enabled, then no Dots are allowed in the URL for permalinks
 * @return
function serendipity_getUriArguments($uri, $wildcard = false) {
global $serendipity;
static $indexFile = null;

    if ($indexFile === null) {
        $_indexFile = explode('.', $serendipity['indexFile']);
        $indexFile = $_indexFile[0];

    /* Explode the path into sections, to later be able to check for arguments and add our own */
    preg_match('/^'. preg_quote($serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'], '/') . '(' . preg_quote($serendipity['indexFile'], '/') . '\?\/)?(' . ($wildcard ? '.+' : '[!;,_a-z0-9\-*\/%\+]+') . ')/i', $uri, $_res);
    if (strlen($_res[2]) != 0) {
        $args = explode('/', $_res[2]);
        if ($args[0] == $indexFile || $args[0] == $serendipity['indexFile']) {
        return $args;
    } else {
        return array();

Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:26 pm
by garvinhicking

OK, I'll prepare something for you, let me get back to you.


Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:32 pm
by garvinhicking

So, okay. Let's get messy.

First of, the link for Previous/next page is created in the file include/, function serendipity_printEntryFooter().

Inside that function you see this:

Code: Select all

    if ($serendipity['GET']['page'] < $totalPages) {
        $uriArguments = $serendipity['uriArguments'];
        $uriArguments[] = 'P'. ($serendipity['GET']['page'] + 1);
        $serendipity['smarty']->assign('footer_next_page', serendipity_rewriteURL(str_replace('//', '/', implode('/', $uriArguments)) . $suffix));
This actually is a simple wrapper call to serendipity_rewriteURL that actually simply accesses $serendipity['uriArguments'], which contains the list of all parameters sent to the current URL. So this array should usually contain the paramter to your path.

If you add a print_r($uriArguments) there, you can compare what the array looks like on the page where your back/prev links works, and where it doesn't.

Now, this array usually gets set in the index.php file of s9y, at around line 43:

Code: Select all

$serendipity['uriArguments'] = serendipity_getUriArguments($uri);
That funciton serendipity_getUriArguments itself is defined in include/ - you can see how it operates there and simply parses each "/" portion of a URL into a string.

Now, I can only assume that because you use "articles.php" instead of "index.php" something in the URI routing gets done wrong. Usually this shouldn't happen, because the s9y configuration variable "indexFile" is meant exactly for this, and you do seem have configured s9y so that indexFile = articles.php, right?

What we now need to find out is why the "Px" part is NOT interpreted as a pagination variable.

So, here's what you could please try out.

1. Open your index.php file of s9y. We need to locate the place where when you call "domain/articles.php?/P2.html" it routes to the s9y entry display method. There are several places where in index.php s9y tries to see what URL is called, and then route the code appropriately. s9y stores the actual "route" in the variable $serendipity['view']. The best play to see the contents of this is if you go to the end of index.php and after this line:

Code: Select all

if ($track_referer) {
you add this:

Code: Select all

echo "The serendipity view is: " . $serendipity['view'] . "<br />\n";
echo "The URI is: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "<br />\n";
echo "The current arguments are: <pre>" . print_r($serendipity['uriArguments'], true) . "</pre><br />\n";
echo "The original arguments were: <pre>" . print_r(serendipity_getUriArguments($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . "</pre><br />\n";
echo "The current pagenumer is: " . $serendipity['GET']['page'] . "<br />\n";
This output should be contained when you call your blog's URL, and this is what we need to dig further.

Ideally the serendipity['GET']['page'] variable should be set to "P2", because the URL ?/P2.html should be parsed as exactly that variable. Also, "P2" should be contained as one individual array key in the original URI argument output.

I assume it is somehow missing, and then we should try to see if we can fixup/patch either serendipity_getUriArguments() to return it properly, or your article.php script should try to modify $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] so that the P2 parameter is properly contained.

$serendipity['GET']['page'] is very important to the s9y workflow, because this tells the pagination which section of entries to display.


Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 7:47 am
by avfunk
Hey :-)

I tried the above and it returned nothing at all. Nada, It just keeps doing what it's doing, returning the main page under the root/articles.php?/P2.html moniker. Uploaded the index.php file several times, cleaned browser cache just in case... nothing.

Yes, I changed the index file articles.php in configuration paths. It's actually ../articles.php, because articles.php is located in the root directory and serendipity installation is in root/updates/. Might that have something to do with my problem?

Weird thing is, if I change it to articles.php, which doesn't exist, it still returns my blog and the next page button seems to generate the right URI that way: root/updates/articles.php?/archives/P2.html, but there's no articles.php in the updates dir of course.

Change it back to ../articles.php and it goes back to root/articles.php?/P2.html and returns the main page.

Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 10:21 am
by garvinhicking

Did you look closely in the HTML output of your page? Due to ob_start() it might get placed at the very bottom or very start.

Instead of "echo" you could put the output directly into a file, like this:

Code: Select all

$fp = fopen($serendipity['serendipityPath'] . '/templates_c/debugging.log', 'a');
fwrite ($fp, "The serendipity view is: " . $serendipity['view'] . "<br />\n");
fwrite ($fp, "The URI is: " . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "<br />\n");
fwrite ($fp, "The current arguments are: <pre>" . print_r($serendipity['uriArguments'], true) . "</pre><br />\n");
fwrite ($fp, "The original arguments were: <pre>" . print_r(serendipity_getUriArguments($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) . "</pre><br />\n");
fwrite ($fp, "The current pagenumer is: " . $serendipity['GET']['page'] . "<br />\n");
This would create and append to a file /serendipity/templates_c/debugging.log ...
Yes, I changed the index file articles.php in configuration paths. It's actually ../articles.php, because articles.php is located in the root directory and serendipity installation is in root/updates/. Might that have something to do with my problem?
Yes, definitely! The wrapper file should be in the same path like your blgo's index.php file is, because else directories and relative links cannot be referenced properly!


Re: Wrong URI for archives

Posted: Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:16 pm
by avfunk
Well, that solved my problem :-)

I changed my whole navigation structure to absolute links, just so the rest of the include files found the right target, css, images, jquery, etc. So, right now I've got an articles.php file in the serendipity root directory looking like this:

Code: Select all

$blog = ob_get_contents();

<?php include ('../navigation.php'); ?>
<div id="content_updates"><br />
    <div id="wrapper2">
    <div id="block_banner2">
    <a href="webboard_main.php" target="_self">
    <img src="images/message-board-banner.jpg" alt="Message Board Banner"/></a>
	<?php echo $blog;?>
<?php include ('../footend.php'); ?>
Seems to work just like it should. All links find their target pages.

The only downside is that I had to use a php header redirect to root/updates/articles.php as I use the articles.php content on my main page, which is somewhat less attractive. But I don't think there is any other way to do that, is there? If the wrapper file is in the serendipity directory I can't simply include it in my index.php, this will give a serendipity error. If you know any other way, besides a header redirect, of using the root/updates/articles.php as my sites main page, I'd appreciate it.

Anyway, thanks for your assistance. I'm now a happy camper.