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2k11 removing title and description from header

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:07 pm
by karlv

I changed over to the 2k11 template but I can't find how to delete the Title&Description text in my header :!:

In the default skin I had to remove homeline1 and homeline 2 from the default skin.

Can anybody help me with this problem?



Re: 2k11 removing title and description from header

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 3:38 pm
by yellowled
karlv wrote:I changed over to the 2k11 template but I can't find how to delete the Title&Description text in my header :!:
You don't want to remove them anyway for SEO and accessibility reasons.

You can, however, very easily hide them using CSS. Just create a file templates/2k11/user.css (if you haven't already), activate the user.css in 2k11's theme options and add to said file:

Code: Select all

#identity h1,
#identity p { text-indent: -999em; }
Don't forget to save. Done.


Re: 2k11 removing title and description from header

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:21 pm
by karlv
Thank-you very much for the quick response!
I didn't think about the SEO thanks for reminding me.
Although I would be able to promote my website via social networking.

Re: 2k11 removing title and description from header

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2012 4:45 pm
by Timbalu
@YL, is a text-indent in this case better than display:none or visibility:hidden for SEO reasons?

Re: 2k11 removing title and description from header

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2012 12:02 pm
by yellowled
Timbalu wrote:@YL, is a text-indent in this case better than display:none or visibility:hidden for SEO reasons?
Yes. This is one of the things where SEO and accessibility are pretty similar since search engine spiders work much like screenreaders do.

display: none; visibility: hidden; hides the element from (at least some) screenreaders and (most likely) search engine spiders, text-indent only hides it visually. Edit: Also, you mustn't use display: none; or visibility: hidden; – always use both to make sure the element is hidden in any browser and screenreader (if you actually want to hide an element).

Of course, using the .visuallyhidden class would be even better (in terms of CSS performance), but that can't be done in a way that's safe in case of an upgrade. Adding the .visuallyhidden styles for the #identity h1, #identity p selector would be an option, but that seemed over the top. text-indent does the same.