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Integrating s9y into drupal

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 8:33 am
by crimson
I think I'm the first person to ask this on these forums (Search didn't find anything for me) and I was wondering if I can integrate s9y and drupal.

To be more honest, it would be "can I slot s9y into drupal?". I use s9y for my blog currently and I like it, whereas I'm not a big fan of the drupal blog module. What I would like to do is transparently have the blog and drupal sitting side by side, and have it appear like it's almost part of drupal.

I have a few ideas. The nastiest is a frame (I'll shoot myself if I do that), or moving to a subdomain and playing with skins, or writing a custom drupal page etc.

I'm not after a magical way to do this, just wondering if anyone has tried it before and hoping for some tips to point me in the right direction.

Thanks in advance