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Posted: Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:15 pm
by Don Chambers
I was wrong - it was a pci ethernet board. Replaced and I am back up and running. I REALLY need to get my entire computer backed up soon!!! Have not done so in awhile, so I picked up an external hard drive that is big enough to back up both of my hard drives and my laptop!

I will be sending an admin update to YL momentarily.

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 7:36 pm
by Don Chambers
Can you guys check something for me.... this is with regard to quicksearch. I cannot seem to use it, and it is probably just my XAMPP which misbehaves more often than I like.

If I type anything in the sidebar quicksearch, I get a connection reset in FF.... sometimes the same in Opera, but sometimes it works (Opera only), and IE seems to be in an endless loop of trying to display the result page. When it does work in Opera, the results page has no sidebars.

In FF, if you are typing in a previously entered word, and QS displays the live_search_result box below, it is partially hidden by the sidebar item directly below. I do not get this live_search_result box at all with the navbar version of quicksearch.

Is this just my localhost, or are you guys seeing anything similar to this??

Posted: Fri Aug 24, 2007 10:56 pm
by yellowled
Don Chambers wrote:In FF, if you are typing in a previously entered word, and QS displays the live_search_result box below, it is partially hidden by the sidebar item directly below. I do not get this live_search_result box at all with the navbar version of quicksearch.

Is this just my localhost, or are you guys seeing anything similar to this??
No connection reset or endless loops here, but indeed there's no live search result in either FF or Opera with the navbar version. Sidebar version works in both browsers, but I also get the partially hidden live search result box.

If you can fix this, please contact Garvin before Sunday morning GMT. I definitely have no time to fix this until then :-(


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:17 pm
by Don Chambers
Livesearch will have to wait for bp1.1. I did, however, fix the partially hidden livesearch result and fowarded those changes to Garvin.

Stick a fork in me - I'm done! :D

Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:41 pm
by d_cee
Hi guys

I've tested this in all my (mac) browsers and it works fine whether it's in the navbar or sidebar.

Hard to credit that it's done - great effort YL and Don.

Sorry I've out of it so much these last few weeks :-(


Posted: Sat Aug 25, 2007 7:55 pm
by Don Chambers
All I have to say is that SOMEONE better use this thing!!!! LOL!!!

What's up with your docsite revisions Dave, or did you decide to just stick with what is already there? If so, it needs work in IE6, which I suppose I can try to help with. The problem is in the sidebar, which seems to extend beyond the right edge of content. Might be some of those negative margins you are using, but I do not want to spend any significant time on it if it is about to be replaced.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 5:34 am
by judebert
And Judebert resurrects a thread from the dead!

First off, I just read this monster front-to-back. Okay, I skimmed it, looking for a particular bit of information. Still, 41 pages? Sheesh.

Anyway. I just ported criterion from as a BulletProof colorset. Unfortunately, I can't release it to anyone, because the license requires a link back to FreeCSSTemplates.

OK, I could copy *all* the BP files to a new template directory and modify index.tpl. Bleah.

What I'd like to do: add a *_license.txt file to the BP directory. Modify to include the *_license.txt file as a template option, and modify index.tpl to include said option in the footer, so attribution can be made where necessary.

That's it. I thought we had discussed this previously, but I can't find it anywhere. With 1.3 on the horizon, I need a quick decision: can I add this to BP or not?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:14 am
by yellowled
judebert wrote:What I'd like to do: add a *_license.txt file to the BP directory. Modify to include the *_license.txt file as a template option, and modify index.tpl to include said option in the footer, so attribution can be made where necessary.

That's it. I thought we had discussed this previously, but I can't find it anywhere. With 1.3 on the horizon, I need a quick decision: can I add this to BP or not?
We had discussed it, but I can't remember where, either. I know we once asked about a template option to display individual backlinks in the footer to honor people doing colorsets for BP, and I seem to remember there being some reason against it, but I have no idea where to look for it :LOL:


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 6:48 am
by Don Chambers
Judebert and I seem to be in daily contact via IM these days and we discussed this today. He has done a great job of porting this particular template!!!!!! Like YL, I know we briefly investigated the idea of template authors - in addition to, or in lieu of - the bulletproof authors (d_cee, Yellowled, and me), but I cannot remember what we concluded. With s9y 1.3 pending, I am more than happy to implement any idea that is backwards-compatible yet offers this functionality..... but the clock is ticking!!! I do recall that we were worried about potentially bad links.... this is not just about author credits, but also the ability to point to an author's site.... but a universally accepted link could allow an author to point to a site we do not want and/or malicious code. Ideas?

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 10:01 am
by garvinhicking

I like the idea of this *_license.txt inclusion. I think in the past our problem was that we didn't think of special file inclusion, but of individual template files. Judebert's solution rocks, if someone can develop that, I'd love to put that in the 1.3 final release.

After all, the official BP will only include colorsets where we can approve the link beforehand?


Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 3:10 pm
by judebert
The pre-approval was one factor I liked. Besides, if you don't trust your web designer, who are you going to trust? :twisted:

The only time you couldn't trust the colorset designer would be when you get an archive to insert directly in your BP directory. Besides the possibility of including malicious links, that could overwrite or other important files. Anyone using a third-party BP colorset should check the archive before installing. (We can't protect everyone from everything!)

Ideally, I'd like some way of including colorsets separately from BP, so they could have their own SPARTACUS entry and screenshot. But I can't figure out how to get that to happen.

Well, I'd also like to see colorsets with their own options, but that's a leap of faith I'm not willing to make yet.

I'll get on with inserting attribution in the footer. I'll let you know when I have something.

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2008 11:57 pm
by yellowled
judebert wrote:We can't protect everyone from everything!
Someone please make a nice t-shirt with this slogan :lol:
judebert wrote:Well, I'd also like to see colorsets with their own options, but that's a leap of faith I'm not willing to make yet.
Good Lord. Any time I think to myself "Well, BP is pretty solid, there won't be any more features to add to it.", someone (usually Don) comes up with something like this :)


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 4:54 am
by judebert
yellowled wrote:
judebert wrote:We can't protect everyone from everything!
Someone please make a nice t-shirt with this slogan
I tried, but I had to add too many disclaimers to the tag. "This shirt is not edible!" "Not to be used as a flotation device!" "For external use only!"

I just committed the colorset attribution changes. The colorset attribution is added after a <br /> in the same <div> as the BulletProof credit. If there's a {colorset}_license.txt, its contents are used. If not, the string "{colorset} colorset provided under BSD license." is used instead.

I suppose I could make that a language string, but you guys decided the template line didn't need one because of bloat. The same logic seemed to apply here.

The colorset attribution is stored in $template_option.colorset_data.attribution. I made it an array so we can add more stuff later -- when we get the ideas.

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 12:31 pm
by yellowled
judebert wrote:I just committed the colorset attribution changes. The colorset attribution is added after a <br /> in the same <div> as the BulletProof credit. If there's a {colorset}_license.txt, its contents are used. If not, the string "{colorset} colorset provided under BSD license." is used instead.
Erm ... just one thing ... we usually don't put colorsets into the BP core distribution (i.e. the svn repo) to keep the core BP lean and tidy. We have a download section for those on, and you're of course welcome to make your colorset available for download there.

Or maybe I missed something. Is this already a step to prepare hosting BP colorsets on spartacus?


Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 1:13 pm
by garvinhicking

I agree with YL, Judebert. Additional colorsets (ESPECIALLY those with their own license) should not be bundled with Serendipity, but only collected/added externally. This is so that the SVN s9y release is not swamped with colorset graphics and extra licenses...

An option would be to also host a bulletproof-colorset collection on spartacus?

Best regards,